v0.4.0 (2019-07-07)
Closed issues:
- When DiffRules produces an if/then then Derivative fails (#132)
- Fix variable printing (#129)
- Redefinition of an Unknown creates two instances for hashing (#128)
- Documentation? (#73)
- Fix order_lowering failure (#54)
- Build DiffEqSystem out of Expressions (#44)
- Functors or Interpolation objects as inputs (#13)
Merged pull requests:
- Include Jacobian in generated ODEFunction (#144) (ChrisRackauckas)
- Add static version of Wfact and negate the W operator (#142) (YingboMa)
- Convert :if blocks to ifelse calls (#134) (HarrisonGrodin)
- Fix variable displaying in REPL (#131) (HarrisonGrodin)
- Add CITATION.bib (#126) (asinghvi17)
- Start on API documentation (#125) (jlumpe)
- Say ModelingToolkit is ready to use (#124) (ChrisRackauckas)