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QtSvg library

sudo apt install libqt5svg5-dev


Qt5 framework

brew install qt@5

File directory

├── graphics/
│   ├── layers.png
│   ├── screen_artboard.png
│   ├── screen_wireframe.png
│   └── # Source file used to create the SVG screen.svg file
├── assets/
│   └── fonts
│       ├── fa-solid-900.ttf # Icon font
│       └── frank-light.ttf
└── src/
    ├── AEDController.cpp
    ├── AEDController.h # Controller class for all the different stages
    ├── Makefile
    ├── Pads.cpp
    ├── Pads.h # Provides sensor data to controller for rhythm, heart rate and more
    ├── QAEDScreen.cpp
    ├── QAEDScreen.h # Extends the SVG class, provides method to easily use screen
    ├── QCustomIconsFont.h # Imports custom font
    ├── QIconButton.cpp
    ├── QIconButton.h # Extends QPushButton but uses font icon
    ├── QScreenSettings.cpp
    ├── QScreenSettings.h # Admin panel class, controls Pads sensor data
    ├── QSvgWidget.cpp
    ├── QSvgWidget.h # Directly manipulates svg files to show/hide their elements
    ├── Stage1.cpp
    ├── Stage1.h # Initializes AED, shows initial instructions
    ├── Stage2.cpp
    ├── Stage2.h # Pad installation and instructions
    ├── Stage3.cpp
    ├── Stage3.h # Heart rhythm analysis and ECG
    ├── Stage4.cpp
    ├── Stage4.h # Shocks patient
    ├── Stage5.cpp
    ├── Stage5.h # Administers and guides user through CPR
    ├── Stage6.cpp
    ├── Stage6.h # Turns off AED
    ├── StageManager.cpp
    ├── StageManager.h # Abstract class that's extended by Stage1-6 classes 
    ├── # Qt project config file
    ├── aed_stages.h # enums with all the different Stages and their states
    ├── defs.h # global defines/settings
    ├── main.cpp # Sets up the GUI, main window and runs the application
    └── screen.svg # SVG file containing all the graphics for the screen

Video Demo & Testing

Demo video and testing

Design Patterns


This was created using CPP with the Qt framework. It is an AED device that simulates the functionality of an automated electronic defibrillator device.

We have independent stage manager objects which manage the functionality of each stage as well as individual objects such as a debugging menu and a GUI to reflect correct feedback throughout the stages of using an AED. On the back end all stage Stage1 - Stage6 classes are managed by AEDController where each stage is on its own thread, making it a concurrent system.

OOP Design Patterns


It implements the Observer state design which allows a one to many dependency relationship when one object changing updates the rest of the system.

For example in our project the status of pad attachment will change variables which are recognized by multiple other objects which in turn have their own functions responding to the status of pad attachment.

This allows us to accurately simulate the effect of certain variables which influence core functionality of the AED such as pediatric/adult patient, pad attachment status, heart beat analysis result etc.


We also implement a State design pattern which modifies the functions of our objects as there state changes. For example our stage objects will perform safety checks based on the status of certain elements such as if the patient is being touched by the rescuer, which will cause the shock in stage 4 to be delayed until they are not being touched. As specific states during AED defibrillation can interfere with resuscitation this is an essential feature to allow objects to verify the correctness of all states before it can go through with the necessary functions, as well as vice versa with AED objects pausing functions or outputting error/ instruction messages if the state is not correct.


Our program implements the Controller design pattern as well using the AEDcontroller object which acts as a centralized control for the rest of the objects in our source code.

While the other objects oversee the individual segments of the AED use case the AEDcontroller is responsible for the creation of an interface which unifies these individual stages. It has functions which are responsible for creating the interface as well as switching between stages.

Use cases

Use Case 1: Power on the AED for use

Primary actor:

  • User


  • The AED is turned off

Main success scenario:

  1. User presses the power button
  2. AED turns on
  3. AED performs a self test
  4. AED displays “UNIT OK” message
  5. AED sends voice prompt “UNIT OK”


  • The device is turned on and ready to use


  • 2a. AED does not turn on
  • 2a1. The user must replace all batteries at the same time. If the device still does not turn on, remove it from service
  • 4a. AED screen displays and voice prompts the user with “LOW BATTERY” message
  • 4a1. The user must replace all 10 batteries and press the button in the battery well only after installation of new batteries
  • 4b. AED screen displays and voice prompts the user with “UNIT FAILED” message indicating the device has failed its power up self test and is not usable for victim care
  • 4b1. The user performs a manual test by pressing and holding the Power button for more than 5 seconds. If the unit fails the test again, remove it from service

Use Case 2: User Places the Electrodes

Primary actor:

  • User


  • The AED is power on and ready for use

Main success scenario:

  1. AED displays and voice prompts user with “STAY CALM” message and indicator light of stage1 flashes
  2. AED displays and voice prompts user with “CHECK RESPONSIVENESS” message
  3. User shakes the victim and asks if they are “OK?”
  4. AED displays and voice prompts user with “CALL FOR HELP” message
  5. User calls someone for help
  6. AED displays and voice prompts user with “OPEN AIRWAYS” message
  7. User opens patients airways
  8. AED displays and voice prompts user with “CHECK FOR BREATHING” message
  9. User checks to see if patient is breathing
  10. AED displays and voice prompts user with “EXPOSE BARE CHEST” messages and indicator light of stage2 flashes
  11. AED displays and voice prompts user with “ATTACH DEFIB PADS TO PATIENT’S BARE CHEST” messages
  12. User selects the appropriate set of electrode pads (Adult or Child) and connects the electrode cable with the electrode connector
  13. Places the pads on the patient's bare chest as guided by the electrode pads package instructions
  14. AED displays and voice prompts user with “ADULT PADS” or “PEDIATRIC PADS”, depend on which ones it detects are connected and adjusts defibrillation energy settings accordingly


  • The electrode pads are set properly and ready for use


  • 14a. AED displays and voice prompts user with “CHECK ELECTRODE PADS” message

  • 14a1. The user rechecks the connection and attempts to reattach the electrode pads

Use Case 3: AED Performs Heart Rhythm Analysis

Primary actor:

  • User


  • The electrode pads are set properly and not defective

Main success scenario:

  1. User selects the Heart Rhythm Analysis mode
  2. AED displays and voice prompts user with “DON’T TOUCH PATIENT, ANALYZING” message and the indicator light of stage3 flashes
  3. AED starts evaluating the heart rhythm
  4. AED completes the heart rhythm analysis
  5. AED displays its analyze advice


  • A heart rhythm analysis is made


  • 3a. AED screen displays and voice prompts the user with “ANALYSIS HALTED. KEEP PATIENT STILL” message

  • 3a1. User stops any ongoing CPR and keeps the victim as motionless as possible

  • 5a. AED displays and voice prompts user with "SHOCK ADVISED" message if a shockable rhythm is detected (ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia)

  • 5a1. AED continues to shock delivery stage

  • 5b. AED displays and voice prompts user with “NO SHOCK ADVISED” message if a rhythm that is not treatable by defibrillation is detected

  • 5b1. AED continues to CPR stage

Use Case 4: AED Performs Shock Delivery

Primary actor:

  • User


  • A shock is advised by the AED device

Main success scenario:

  1. AED displays and voice prompts user with “STAND CLEAR” message to ensure no one is touching the patient
  2. User presses the shock button as guided by the on-screen instructions
  3. AED displays and voice prompts user with “SHOCK WILL BE DELIVERED IN THREE (TWO), (ONE)” and the indicator light of stage4 flashes
  4. AED delivers the shock
  5. AED displays and voice prompts user with “SHOCK DELIVERED” message


  • A shock is delivered to the victim


  • 4a. AED displays and voice prompts user with “NO SHOCK DELIVERED” message

  • 4a1. An error condition was detected, no shock was delivered

  • 5a. AED displays and voice prompts user with “n SHOCKS DELIVERED” message

  • 5a1. A total of “n” shocks have been delivered since the Fully Automatic AED Plus was turned on

Use Case 5: CPR

Primary actor:

  • User


  • The AED advises no shock needed or a shock is delivered

Main success scenario:

  1. AED screen displays and voice prompts the user with “START CPR” message and the indicator light of stage5 flashes
  2. User follows on-screen guidance for chest compressions (2 breaths for every 30 compressions)
  3. AED monitors and provides real-time CPR feedback
  4. After 2 minutes of CPR, the AED screen displays and voice prompts the user with “STOP CPR” message


  • Successfully performed CPR on the victim


  • 3a. AED screen displays and voice prompts the user with "CONTINUE CPR" message if CPR is needed or the device fails to detect chest compressions >= Âľ of an inch deep

  • 3a1. User continues to administer CPR to patient with same compression level

  • 3b. AED screen displays and voice prompts the user with "PUSH HARDER" message if the device detects CPR compressions are consistently < 2 inches deep

  • 3b1. User administers CPR with higher compression level

  • 3b2. AED screen displays and voice prompts the user with "GOOD COMPRESSIONS” message if after showing to push harder, user has delivered chest compressions >= 2 inches deep

Use Case 6: Power off

Primary actor:

  • User


  • The AED is on

Main success scenario:

  1. User presses the power button
  2. The screen turned off


  • The AED is turned off


Sequence Diagrams

UC1: Power On AED

This shows the case of the user truning on the AED. The user presses the power button, then the system checks to make sure the safety conditions are met and displays the "UNIT OKAY".

actor User
    User->>PowerButton: press()
    PowerButton->>MainWindow: powerOn()
    MainWindow->>ControlSystem: stage1Required()
    ControlSystem->>Stage1: start()
    Stage1->>ControlSystem: checkSafetySystems()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayUnitOk()

UC2: Electrodes Placement

This shows the case of the user placing the electrode pads on the patient. The device instructs the user, telling them what actions they should perform in order to safely place the electrodes. The system checks to make sure the pads are connected, and adjusts defibrillation energy settings depending on the pads the use selected.

actor User
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayStayCalm()
    MainWindow->>Light: flashLight()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayCheckResponse()
    User->>MainWindow: checksPatientResponsiveness
    MainWindow->>Light: flashLight()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayCallForHelp()
    User->>MainWindow: callsForHelp
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayOpenAirways()
    User->>MainWindow: opensPatientsAirways
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayCheckForBreathing()
    User->>MainWindow: checksForPatientBreathing
    ControlSystem->>Stage2: start()
    Stage2->>ControlSystem: checkSafetySystems()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayExposeCheck()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayAttachPads()
    alt Pediatric Patient
        User->>PediatricButton: press()
        MainWindow->>Screen: displayPediatricPads()
    else Adult Patient
        MainWindow->>Screen: displayAdultPads()
    Note over User: Selects Appropriate Pads

UC3: Heart Rythm Analysis

This shows the case of the AED performing a heart rhythm analysis. The system detects and displays the patients rhythm, then provides the user with advice on how to proceed.

actor User
    User->>MainWindow: selectMode()
    MainWindow->>ControlSystem: stage3Required()
    ControlSystem->>Stage3: start()
    MainWindow->>Light: flashLight()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayDoNotTouch()
    User->>MainWindow: backsAway
    Stage3->>ControlSystem: startAnalysis()
    ControlSystem->>Pads: getHeartRhythm()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayHeartRhythm()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayAdvice()

UC4: Shock Delivery

This shows the case of the AED delivering a shock to the patient. The system detected a shockable rhythm, then delivers a shock(s) to the patient in an attempt to restore a normal heartbeat.

actor User
    MainWindow->>ControlSystem: stage4Required()
    ControlSystem->>Stage4: start()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayStandClear()
    User->>MainWindow: pressShock()
    MainWindow->>ControlSystem: shockRequired()
    MainWindow->>Light: flashLight()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayShockDelivering()
    ControlSystem->>Pads: shock()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayShockDelivered()


This shows the case of the AED guiding the user through CPR. The system displays the instructions to the screen, then monitors and provides real-time CPR feedback to the user for 2 minutes.

actor User
    MainWindow->>ControlSystem: stage5Required()
    ControlSystem->>Stage5: start()
    MainWindow->>Light: flashLight()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayStartCPR()
    User->>MainWindow: performsCPR()
    loop For 2 Minutes
    Stage5->>ControlSystem: checkCompression()
    ControlSystem->>MainWindow: CPRFeedback()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayFeedback()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayStopCPR()

UC6: Power Off AED

This shows the case of the user truning off the AED. The user presses the power button, then the system then turns off.

actor User
    User->>PowerButton: press()
    PowerButton->>MainWindow: powerOff()
    MainWindow->>ControlSystem: deviceShutdown()
    MainWindow->>Screen: off()

Safety Scenario 1: Low Battery

This shows the safety scenario for when the AED battery is low. The system detects that its battery is low. It prompts the user to change the batteries and persoms a safety check afterwards to ensure proper functionality and sufficient battery power.

actor User
    ControlSystem->>ControlSystem: isLowBattery()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayChangeBatteries()
    User->>MainWindow: removesAllBatteries()
    User->>MainWindow: insertsNewBatteries()
    User->>PowerButton: press()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayPressBattery()
    User->>BatteryButton: press()
    MainWindow->>ControlSystem: stage1Required()
    ControlSystem->>Stage1: start()
    Stage1->>ControlSystem: checkSafetySystems()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayUnitOkay()

Safety Scenario 2: Pads Error

This shows the safety scenario for when the electrode pads are not connected/attached correctly. The system detects that the pads are not properly connected/attached then prompts the user to "CHECK ELECTRODE PADS".

actor User
    User->>Pads: placedOnPatient()
    MainWindow->>Pads: isConnected()
    MainWindow->>Pads: isAttached()
    MainWindow->>Screen: displayCheckPads()

UML Class Diagrams


    QObject <|-- AEDController
    QObject <|-- Pads
    QObject <|-- QAEDScreen
    QObject <|-- StageManager
    QObject <|-- QLabel
    QObject <|-- QIconButton
    QObject <|-- StageManager

    QSvgWidget <|-- QAEDScreen
    QFont <|-- QCustomIconsFont
    QPushButton <|-- QIconButton
    QTabWidget <|-- QScreenSettings
    QWidget <|-- QSvgWidget

    AEDController "1" -- "1" QAEDScreen : screen
    AEDController "1" -- "1" Pads : pads
    AEDController "1" -- "0..*" StageManager : stages

    StageManager "1" -- "1" AEDController : controller
    StageManager "1" -- "1" QAEDScreen : screen
    StageManager "1" -- "1" Pads : pads

    StageManager <|-- Stage1
    StageManager <|-- Stage2
    StageManager <|-- Stage3
    StageManager <|-- Stage4
    StageManager <|-- Stage5
    StageManager <|-- Stage6

    AEDController "1" -- "1" QAEDScreen : screen
    AEDController "1" -- "1" Pads : pads
    AEDController "1" -- "0..*" StageManager : stages

    QMainWindow "1" -- "1" AEDController : controller
    QMainWindow "1" -- "1" QScreenSettings : screenSettings

    class QObject {

    class QMainWindow {

    class AEDController {
        -Stage mainStage
        -QAEDScreen* screen
        -QThread* screenThread
        -Pads* pads
        -QMap<Stage, StageManager*> stages
        -QMap<Stage, QThread*> stageThreads
        -QIconButton* powerButton
        -QIconButton* pediatricButton
        -QLabel* powerIndicator
        -QLabel* pediatricIndicator
        -bool systemFault
        -int powerCapacity
        -int numShocks
        +AEDController(QObject* parent)
        +void changeMainstage(Stage s)
        +void addShock()
        +bool isSystemFault()
        +bool isLowBattery()

    class Pads {
        -bool attached
        -bool connected
        -bool adult
        -int depth
        -int bpm
        -Rhythms rhythm
        -bool clear
        +Pads(QObject *parent)
        +void attach()
        +void detach()
        +void shock()
        +bool isAttached()
        +bool isConnected()
        +bool isClear()
        +~signal~ void depthChanged(int newDepth)

    class QAEDScreen {
        -Stage stage
        -QDomElement* timeText
        -QDomElement* shocksText
        -QDomElement* countdownText
        -QDomElement* bpmText
        -QTimer* timer
        -QTime startTime
        -QTime countdownTime
        -bool countdownActive
        +QAEDScreen(QWidget *parent)
        +void startCountdown()
        +void stopCountdown()
        +void clearAll()
        +void updateTime()
        +bool showMsg1UnitOk(bool show)
        +... // Additional methods

    class QCustomIconsFont {
        +~static~ QCustomIconsFont& instance()
        -QCustomIconsFont(const QCustomIconsFont&)
        -QCustomIconsFont& operator=(const QCustomIconsFont&)

    class QIconButton {
        -int size
        +QIconButton(const QString &text, QWidget *parent)
        +void on()
        +void off()
        -void stylize()

    class QScreenSettings {
        -AEDController* controller
        +QScreenSettings(AEDController* controller, QWidget *parent)
        -void stage1Init()
        -void stage2Init()
        -void stage3Init()
        -void stage4Init()
        -void stage5Init()
        -void stage6Init()
        -void adminPanel()

    class QSvgWidget {
        -QSvgRenderer* svgRenderer
        -QDomDocument svgDom
        -QMap<QString, QDomElement*> elements
        -QMutex* mutex
        +QSvgWidget(const QString &fileName, QWidget *parent)
        +void refresh()
        -void showElement(QDomElement* element, bool show)
        -void showElementId(const QString &id, bool show)
        -void changeText(QDomElement* element, const QString &s)
        -void resizeMask(QDomElement* element, float width, float height)
        -void shiftElement(QDomElement* element, int x, int y)
        +paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)

    class StageManager {
        -AEDController* controller
        -QAEDScreen* screen
        -Pads* pads
        -Stage stage
        -int status
        -QTimer* timer
        +StageManager(Stage s, AEDController* controller, QObject *parent)
        +bool start() ~Abstract~
        +void stop() ~Abstract~
        +bool nextStage() ~Abstract~
        +bool isDone() const
        +bool isActive() const
        +bool isIdle() const
        +bool isError() const
        +void step() ~Abstract~

    class Stage1 {
        -Stage1Power status
        -const int interval
        -int intervalCount
        -int instruction
        -bool power
        +Stage1(AEDController* controller, QObject *parent)
        +bool start()
        +void stop()
        +bool nextStage()
        +void step()
        +bool checkSafetySystems()

    class Stage2 {
        -const int interval
        -int intervalCount
        -bool init
        -bool adultLocal
        -bool showPediatricOption
        -int pediatricOptionTime
        +Stage2(AEDController* controller, QObject *parent)
        +bool start()
        +void stop()
        +bool nextStage()
        +void step()
        +bool checkSafetySystems()

    class Stage3 {
        -int ecgPercent
        -int rIndex
        -int stepCount
        +Stage3(AEDController* controller, QObject *parent)
        +bool start()
        +void stop()
        +bool nextStage()
        +void step()

    class Stage4 {
        -const int interval
        -int intervalCount
        -bool shocked
        +Stage4(AEDController* controller, QObject *parent)
        +bool start()
        +void stop()
        +bool nextStage()
        +void step()
        +bool checkShockableRhythm()

    class Stage5 {
        -const int interval
        -int intervalCount
        -int maxTicks
        -int depth
        -int lastDepth
        -int idleCount
        -int timeCount
        -bool cprIndicator
        +Stage5(AEDController* controller, QObject *parent)
        +bool start()
        +void stop()
        +bool nextStage()
        +void step()
        +void checkCompression()

    class Stage6 {
        +Stage6(AEDController* controller, QObject *parent)
        +bool start()
        +void stop()
        +bool nextStage()
        +void step()

Use Case Diagram

graph TD
  User[ <img src='' width='20 px' height='20 px' /> User]
  User ---PowerOnTheAEDForUse[Power On The AED For Use]
  User ---UserPlacesTheElectrodes[User Places The Electrodes]
  User ---AEDPerformsHeartRhythmAnalysis[AED Performs Heart Rhythm Analysis]
  User ---AEDPerformsShockDelivery[AED Performs Shock Delivery]
  User ---AEDGuidesCPRandPost-ShockCare[AED Guides CPR and Post-Shock Care]
  PowerOnTheAEDForUse -..->| << include >> |UserPlacesTheElectrodes
  UserPlacesTheElectrodes-..->| << include >> |AEDPerformsHeartRhythmAnalysis
  AEDPerformsHeartRhythmAnalysis-..->| << include >> |AEDPerformsShockDelivery
  AEDPerformsShockDelivery-..->| << include >> |AEDGuidesCPRandPost-ShockCare
  AEDGuidesCPRandPost-ShockCare-..->| << exclude >> | AEDPerformsHeartRhythmAnalysis
  classDef user fill:#ff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px;
  class User user;


State Diagram

classDef yourState font-style:italic,font-weight:bold,fill:white
  TurnOnAED: "Stage 1" Turn on an AED
  False: Error change batteris
  display: display messages and symbols
  HRA: "Stage 3" Heart Rhythm Analysis
  ElectrodsPlacement: "Stage 2" Electrods Placement
  [*] --> OFF
  state if_state <<choice>>
  OFF --> if_state :power on()
  if_state --> False : if it does not turn on
  False --> OFF
  if_state --> TurnOnAED : continue
  TurnOnAED --> display : self-test()

  TurnOnAED --> ErrorSystemFault
  ErrorSystemFault -->TurnOnAED
  TurnOnAED -->ErrorBattryDepletion
  ErrorBattryDepletion -->TurnOnAED
  display -->ElectrodsPlacement
  state if_state2 <<choice>>
  if_state2--> AdultPads:if patient is an adult
  if_state2--> ChildPads:if patient is a child
  AdultPads-->ErrorPadsDetached: if adult pads disconnected

  ChildPads-->ErrorPadsDetached:if child pads disconnected
  HRA --> Analyzing
  state if_state3 <<choice>>
  if_state3 -->ShockableRhythm:VF or VT detected
if_state3 -->NonShockableRhythm:Sinus rhythm or Asystole detected
ShockableRhythm-->PromptsShockAdvised: Guide the user
PromptsShockAdvised--> PromptsStandClear
ShockDelivery: "Stage 4" Shock Delivery
PerformCPR:"Stage 5" Perform CPR
Monitor:Monitoring the patient's heart rhythm
feedback:Provide feedback
state if_state4 <<choice>>
good: CPR stopped
bad: CPR needed
PowerOff: "Stage 6" Power Off

Traceability Matrix

ID Requirement Related Use Case and Stage Fulfilled By (Function) Description Test
R1 Power on and self-test Use Case 1: Power on Stage1.cpp Stage1::checkSafetySystems() Verifies the AED powers on and performs a self-test, displaying the correct status messages. Run the program on to observe the UI - Turn on AED - press power button - verify "UNIT OK" message displayed
R2 Battery check and low battery warning Use Case 1 (Ext 2a) Stage1.cpp Stage1::checkSafetySystems() & AEDController::isLowBattery() Checks battery status; alerts for replacement if needed. - AED is turned on - observe low battery warning
R3 Handle system failure during power on Use Case 1 (Ext 4a) Stage1.cpp Stage1::checkSafetySystems() & AEDController::isSystemFault() Handles scenarios where the AED fails its power-up self-test. - AED is turned on - simulate system failure, verify handling
R4 Guide electrode placement Use Case 2 Stage2.cpp Stage2::step() Guides the user through electrode placement, including selecting adult or paediatric pads. - follow instructions for electrodes placement - Verify guidance messages
R5 Detect electrode pad errors Use Case 2 (Ext 8a) Stage2.cpp Stage2::checkSafetySystems() & Pads::isConnected() & Pads::isAttached() Detects and alerts when electrode pads are not making good contact. - Place electrodes with poor contact verify error alert displayed
R6 Perform heart rhythm analysis Use Case 3 Stage3.cpp Stage3::step() Analyzes the patient's heart rhythm and displays the analysis advice. -Select Heart Rhythm Analysis mode, verify analysis completion and advice
R7 Handle analysis interruption Use Case 3 (Ext 3a) Stage3.cpp Stage3::checkSafetySystems() Manages interruptions during heart rhythm analysis, prompting to keep the patient still. Intrerrupt analysis, verify prompt to keep patient still displayed
R8 Advise and deliver shock Use Case 4 Stage4.cpp Stage4::step() & AEDController::addShock() Manages the process of advising and delivering a shock, including handling errors. -simulate shock advised, verify "STAND CLEAR" message displayed. - simulate sock delivery, verify "SHOCK DELIVERED" message displayed
R9 Guide CPR and post-shock care Use Case 5 Stage5.cpp Stage5::step() Provides guidance for CPR and post-shock care, including real-time feedback. -Follow CPR guidance messages - verify real-time CPR feedback
R10 Detect and instruct on CPR quality Use Case 5 (Extensions 3a, 3b, 3c) Stage5.cpp Stage5::step() & Pads::getDepth() Monitors CPR quality and provides instructions to improve, such as "PUSH HARDER". -Perform CPR, monitor quality, verify feedback messages
R11 Communicate no shock advised Use Case 3 (Ext 5b) Stage3.cpp Stage4::step() Communicates when no shock is advised after rhythm analysis. Analyze heart rhythm, verify communication message displayed
R12 Manage multiple shock deliveries Use Case 4 (Ext 5a) Stage4.cpp Stage4::step() Manages and tracks the number of shocks delivered. simulation multiple shocks, verify correct tracking and management
R13 Handle non-responsive patient Use Case 2 Stage2.cpp Stage2::checkSafetySystems() & Stage3::step() Manages the scenario when the patient is non-responsive during electrode placement. simulate non-responsive patient, verify correct handling
R14 CPR Instructional Feedback Use Case 5 Stage5.cpp Stage5::checkCompression() Offers instructional feedback during CPR, such as compression rate and depth. Perform CPR, verify feedback messages
R15 Emergency Communication Use Case 1 Stage1.cpp Stage1::step() Prompts user to communicate with emergency services during initial operation. verify message shows
R16 Pediatric Adjustment for Shock Energy Use Case 2 Stage2.cpp adjustForPediatricShockEnergy() Adjusts shock energy levels based on the detection of paediatric pads. simulate shock delivery with paediatric pads, verify adjustments
R17 User Guidance for AED Setup Use Case 1 Stage1.cpp Stage1::step() Guides the user through initial setup procedures, including battery installation. Turn on AED, verify guidance
R18 Shock Delivery Countdown Use Case 4 Stage4.cpp Stage4::step() Performs and displays the countdown before shock delivery. simulate shock delivery, verify countdown
R19 Post-use Device Maintenance Check Use Case 1 Stage1.cpp Stage6::step() Checks the device for maintenance needs after use, including battery and pad status. simulate post-use maintenance - verify correct checks
R20 Real-time Battery Status Monitoring All Stages AEDController::isLowBattery() & Stage1::checkSafetySystems() Continuously monitors the battery status and alerts if levels are critical. simulate battery status changes, verify alerts
R21 Periodic Device Self-Test Use case 6 Stage6.cpp Stage1::checkSafetySystems() Regularly performs self-tests to ensure device readiness and functionality. simulate periodic self-test, verify successful self-test
R22 Robust Electrode Adhesion Check Use case 2 Stage2.cpp Stage2::checkSafetySystems() Verifies the adhesion of electrodes to the patient's skin for effective analysis and shock delivery. simulate electrode adhesion check, verify correct response
R23 Advanced Arrhythmia Detection Algorithms Use case 3 Stage3.cpp Stage3::step() Utilizes advanced algorithms for accurate arrhythmia detection. simulate heart rhythm analysis with advanced algorithms
R24 Maintenance and Service Notifications Use Case 6 Stage6.cpp Stage6::step() Notifies the user of maintenance and service needs of the AED device. simulate maintenance needs verify notifications


The display is an SVG file which I created that consists of multiple different layers and objects, each assigned their own unique ID.




The class QSvgWidget handles all direct SVG element manipulation, it has methods to show, hide and move these elements. It also has a method that can edit the text in the SVG file, this is used to update the timer displays on the screen.

The QAEDScreen extends QSvgWidget and provides methods that allow anyone to easily update and show info on the AED's screen. Such methods include QAEDScreen::showMsg2aAttachPads() to easily show a message on the screen or QAEDScreen::setShockCount to increase shock count. This class is key for the screen to function as it allows you to not have to deal with directly with manipulating the SVG file.


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