This site aggregates information about various tools designed to assist organizations in their transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). The information provided here is either publicly available or has been supplied by the tool owners. This index is not affiliated with any vendor and is offered “as is” to facilitate research by PQC transition teams.
We greatly appreciate your interest in contributing to this project. Your contributions help improve the project for everyone. Below are the guidelines to ensure that contributions are consistent, well-sourced, and maintain the integrity of the repository:
Submitting Pull Requests (PRs):
We welcome contributions through pull requests. Please ensure that any proposed changes or additions are accompanied by a clear explanation of the updates or enhancements being made. -
Sourcing Information:
Publicly Available Data:
Only information that is publicly accessible should be used in your contributions. This ensures transparency and verifiability of the content. -
Vendor-Provided Details:
If a particular detail is not available from a public source, it must be directly provided or verified by the vendor. This requirement ensures the accuracy and reliability of the information.
Review Process:
Each PR will be reviewed by our team to ensure compliance with these guidelines. Contributions that do not meet the criteria may be rejected or requested for revisions.
By following these guidelines, you help maintain a high standard of quality and accuracy for this project. Thank you for your support and contributions.