Visualisation of speech data
- Initially I have shown the Amplitude VS Time plot of a speech data
- Then I have shown the probability density of the amplitude values
- Then I have shown the Amplitude Envelope of the Amplitude VS Time plot
- Then I have hown the DFT (Discete Fourier Transformation) and STFT (Short Time Fourier Transformation)
- Then I have shown the Spectrogram Generation of the speech data
- I have also shown the pitch contours of the spectrogram using Parselmouth python library
- Finally I have shown the F0 fundamental frequency plot and harmonic spectral envelope (smoothed spectrogram) using WORLD analysis
- librosa
- parselmouth
- pyworld
- pysptk
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- git clone
- cd to the folder
- git init
- git add ... (git rm for remove)
- git remote add origin
- git push -u origin
- git push origin
Explained the code in my medium article :