Looking for a modern Rich Text Editor? LRTEditor is the way to go! We don't support older browsers; meaning this is the smallest text editor with syntax highlighting you'll find. LRTEditor doesn't depend on a specific highlighter; I like shjs. so I have included that; but any highlighter should work just fine.
When served minified and compressed; LRTEditor is currently ~ 1.3KiB; shjs is ~ 1KiB.
LRTEditor comes with a simple plugin architecture allowing you to add functionality quickly.
LRTEditor provides:
- get/setSelection; to restore selection and cursor
- stripHtml/highlight; to convert from plain to highlighted
- add/remove/dispatchEvent; to forward events to plugins
LRTEditor_MinimalPlugin provides:
- handler for tab-key; to insert a tab instead of changing focus
- handler for enter-key; to prevent the browser from inserting a
LRTEditor_UndoPlugin provides:
- handler for ctrl+z/y; for undo/redo functionality
Using LRTEditor is easy; include the appropriate files and register the highlighter onload:
<script src="LRTEditor/shjs/lang/sh_php.js"></script>
<script src="LRTEditor/shjs/sh_main.min.js"></script>
<script src="LRTEditor/LRTEditor.min.js"></script>
window.addEventListener('load', function(){
function(el){ sh_highlightElement(el, sh_languages['php']); }