Nebius (working on YDB distributed database)
- Tenured Generation Heap
The official YDB Dialects for Java ORM frameworks and migration tools.
Raft Consensus Algorithm. Uses in-house C++20 coroutines-based library for communications. Tested with unit-tests.
YDB is an open source Distributed SQL Database that combines high availability and scalability with strong consistency and ACID transactions
Dataset for medics died in Russia during COVID-19 pandemic
Permutation learning Sinkhorn layer implementation in keras
A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! 🎓
Pocket Palm Heroes – a turn-based strategy made in the style and feel of the old-school "Heroes of Might and Magic" game. Native full version: https://github.com/SerVB/pph-native
Imported from https://sourceforge.net/p/palmheroes/code
Revamped Download Button. It's kinda a reverse engineering of Netflix's app download button.
Realtime Mutliplayer Game Engine using Node.js / websockets for HTML5 that uses a client-server approach in which the clients send only sampled input to the server
EA Agent Loader is a collection of utilities for java agent developers.
Upgrade an ng1 UI-Router app to a ng1+ng2 hybrid using ng-upgrade
JPF is an extensible software analysis framework for Java bytecode. jpf-core is the basis for all JPF projects; you always need to install it. It contains the basic VM and model checking infrastruc…
JUnit test runner to run concurrent unit tests
🍒 Web server and web framework of Android platform.
WaveView for android. A wave-like progressbar on Android which has four shapes, circle, square, heart and star.
HIT-SCIR / ELMoForManyLangs
Forked from bozheng-hit/ELMoPre-trained ELMo Representations for Many Languages
A simple, concise tensorflow implementation of style transfer (neural style)
Neural Paraphrase Generation
An elegant context-care loading placeholder for Android