This repository contains the Jupyter Notebook for Assignment 4 of the Elements of Machine Learning course. The assignment focuses on unsupervised learning techniques, specifically clustering and dimensionality reduction.
- Dataset: Digits dataset from scikit-learn (8x8 pixel images of handwritten digits).
- Objective: Cluster the data into groups without using the labels.
- Key Tasks:
- Visualizing sample digits.
- Using the k-means clustering algorithm to group the data.
- Determining the optimal number of clusters using the elbow method.
- Exploring clustering as a preprocessing step for semi-supervised learning.
- Objective: Apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimensionality of the data while retaining maximum variance.
- Key Tasks:
- Perform PCA on the Digits dataset.
- Train and evaluate a Logistic Regression model with different numbers of PCA components.
- Identify the optimal number of PCA components for a balance between performance and complexity.
The following Python libraries are required to run the notebook: