GPS-PFD,利用 GPS 与加速计,在移动设备上模拟飞机驾驶舱的 PFD。
GPS-PFD simulates the cockpit PFD (Primary Flight Display) on mobile devices, by using GPS and accelerometer.
备注:这里的「GPS」指的是位置服务,其利用以 GPS 为代表的卫星导航系统 (GNSS)来精确定位。卫星导航系统包括美国 GPS、俄罗斯 GLONASS,以及中国北斗等。加速计亦称加速度传感器、重力感应器,用于测量姿态、速度与高度。
Note: The "GPS" here stands for location services. Location services use GNSSes such as GPS to precisely locate your position. The most widely used GNSSes include GPS from the US, GLONASS from Russia, Beidou from China, etc. Accelerometer is used to measure attitude, speed and altitude.
建议在搭载了 GPS 芯片与加速计的移动设备(智能手机或平板电脑)上使用本应用程序。否则核心功能可能不可用。GPS 可能会非常耗电,因此建议使用时连接移动电源(充电宝)。
It is recommended that you use this application on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) with a GPS chip and an accelerometer. Otherwise the basic features may become unavailable. Besides, GPS may be power hungry. It is recommended to connect your device to a power bank while using the application.
Offline use is required when on an airplane without Internet connection. There are two ways of offline use:
- 断网前先在线访问一次。
Visit the webpage once, before disconnecting to the Internet. - 下载资源至本地,在本地运行网页。
Download the resources and run the webpage locally.
This application is for entertainment purposes only. The alert feature may give false warnings. Mind your safety while using. This application may use location services. Learn more at the Disclaimer and Privacy Statement.
This application is still in beta test. Known issues are as follows:
- 加速计误差严重。系统已尽可能减小误差。
The accelerometer is serious inaccurate. The system does its best to reduce errors. - 在 Firefox for Android 上,「保持屏幕常亮」可能不起作用,且偶尔会出错。
On Firefox for Android, the "keep screen on" feature may not work, and unexpected errors sometimes occur. - 在 Brave for Android 上无法使用。
Completely unusable on Brave for Android.
Please provide feedback to me if you have other problems or suggestions.
Scan the QR code to use on mobile devices:
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