npm install
npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat help
node scripts/sample-script.js
npx hardhat run scripts/sample-script.js
Front End - Bridge-UI
A bridge that transfers tokens from one Ethereum Testnet to another, using Solidity and React.
Bridge.sol - includes functions for Locking, Unlocking, Minting and Burning tokens, as well as events for each function
Wrap.sol - wrapping function that takes the data from token on the one network and copies the symbol, name and maps the address of the token to the original token so there won't be new wrapped tokens for the same token
TestToken.sol - a normal ERC20 token for testing the whole process
Tests for the bridge written in JS
Scripts for deploying the bridge contract on the testnet and mainnet
Balance component - for showing the balance of the user
TransactionModal - for creating a transaction
TokenTransListModal - list with the transactions
TokenTransDetailModal - details for the transactions
Other components - used with template with some pre-existing components: button, connection with wallet and more
Contracts - folder with the ABIs and necessary keys for Infura or EtherscanProvider
The current branch doesn't have any validation and it's quite centralized! However...
Bridge has a second branch Bridge2 that has good documentation, it is also working with Observers and Defenders! This is an entirely new bridge that's more secure. There are links for the Observer/Defender and the Front-End that are built by others, working as a team!
Solidity, OpenZeppelin, Hardhat, Node.js, React, Ethers and more