- On startup, detects all files in the
directory (and recursive subdirectories), and for each file, uploads it to S3. Moves it to thedone
directory upon success,error
directory upon failure - Attaches to the newly created S3 file a field called
in its metadata section. This is the timestamp of when the file was created in the uploader's filesystem - As long as the script is running, it will continuously monitor the
directory for new files and do the same - Logs to AWS CloudWatch for remote monitoring
sudo apt-get install libzbar0
Ensure pipenv is installed on your computer. Then install the dependencies:
pipenv install
Install the awscli (pip install awscli
might work) and set your AWS credentials (our script uses the local ~/.aws/credentials
aws configure
Copy the example config file,
cp config.yml.dst config.yml
then fill out the settings. You should have both S3 and CloudWatch set up on AWS.
pipenv run python aws_s3_desktop_uploader/desktop_uploader.py
- For Windows: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32404/how-do-you-run-a-python-script-as-a-service-in-windows/46450007#46450007
- For Linux: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2366693/run-cron-job-only-if-it-isnt-already-running/38840507#38840507
sudo apt-get install run-one
"Ensure exactly one instance of main.py
is running, and check every 5 minutes":
*/5 * * * * run-one /path/to/pipenv run python /path/to/aws_s3_desktop_uploader/desktop_uploader.py
Haven't taken the time to distribute a full-fledged package, but you can still use this as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/Salk-Harnessing-Plants-Initiative/aws-s3-desktop-uploader
pipenv install --editable ./aws-s3-desktop-uploader
Then in your Python script:
from aws_s3_desktop_uploader import desktop_uploader