Moving SQS messages with ease. Messages MessageAttributes, MessageDeduplicationId & MessageGroupId will be preserved. Other Attributes will be lost.
Most of the time when you use an SQS queue you also define a deadletter queue.
This is a great idea, so when your service has a bug you can correct it and
then repush all the messages in your deadletter queue to the orignal queue.
Unfortunatly the AWS interface doeesn't provide an action to move your message.
You have to do it programmatically, this is where sqs-move
will help you.
Of course, you can use it to move messages from any queue to any other queue.
$ npm install @sagacify/sqs-move
sqs-move is a simple function.
async function(sqsInstance, fromQueueUrl, toQueueUrl, {
batchSize = 1,
includes = null,
excludes = null,
transformBody = null,
transformMessageAttributes = null,
json = true
} = {})
is expected to be an AWS.SQS instancebatchSize
maximum is 10includes
are expected to be criteria a string or a flat key/value object (see: advanced exemple)transformBody
a function that takes the message original Body & *MessageAttributes as parameter and return a transformed bodytransformMessageAttributes
a function that takes the message original Body & *MessageAttributes as parameter and return a MessageAttributes bodyjson
indicates if it is need to json parse message body on for includes and/or exclude
* MessageAttributes is a simple map, it is automatically parsed and composed for you
If it is a string then message is only going to be moved if the message contains (includes) or not contains (excludes) the string provided.
If it is a key/value object then message is only going to be moved if the message contains (includes) or not contains (excludes) the key/value provided.
You can includes/excludes on deep property using the flat keys.
This { '': 'BE' }
will check in body if === 'BE'
import AWS from 'aws-sdk';
import sqsMove from '@sagacify/sqs-move';
// OR
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const sqsMove = require('@sagacify/sqs-move');
const sqsInstance = new AWS.SQS({
accessKeyId: 'some-aws-id',
secretAccessKey: 'some-aws-secret',
region: 'eu-west-1'
const { movedCount } = await sqsMove(
console.log(`${movedCount} messages are back in process queue !`);
import AWS from 'aws-sdk';
import sqsMove from '@sagacify/sqs-move';
// OR
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const { sqsMove } = require('@sagacify/sqs-move');
const sqsInstance = new AWS.SQS({
accessKeyId: 'some-aws-id',
secretAccessKey: 'some-aws-secret',
region: 'eu-west-1'
const { movedCount, filteredCount } = await sqsMove(
'', {
batchSize: 10,
includes: { '': 'olivier' },
excludes: { '': 'BE' },
transformBody: (body, messageAttributes) => { = 'US'
body.traceId = messageAttributes.traceId
return body;
transformMessageAttributes: (body, messageAttributes) => {
// Removes traceId from messageAttributes
const { traceId, ...newMessageAttributes} = messageAttributes
return newMessageAttributes;
json: true
console.log(`${movedCount} messages are back in process queue & ${filteredCount} stayed in the deadletter queue !`);