A dart-native implementation of the Firebase Admin SDK.
This library is a fork of cachapa's client firebase sdk; cachapa/firedart; modified and converted to support admin only firebase features. This library also uses these files from appsup-dart/firebase_admin to enable admin authentication to firebase because it is not documented on firebase's official documentation (May 2020):
- user_record.dart.
- Firebase Auth
- Firestore
- Firebase Storage
- Firebase Cloud Messaging
Add dartbase to your pubspec.yaml
dartbase_admin: [latest version]
import 'package:dartbase_admin/dartbase.dart';
To begin, you need to initialize Firebase:
You can initialize the global singleton instance provided by the package that you can access anywhere.
You can initialize a new local instance of Firebase as a variable and as many times as you want. You can pass that instance to all the other Firebase features, but if you don't, they default back to the global instance.
await Firebase.initialize(projectId, ServiceAccount);
var firebase = Firebase.instance;
var firebase = Firebase(projectId, ServiceAccount);
await firebase.init();
You can reference a service account through several means:
ServiceAccount.fromEnvironmentVariable('Environment Variable Key');
If you do NOT specify an environment variable key, it will fallback to GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
Project Settings -> Service Accounts -> generate new private key
Paste the json here
await ServiceAccount.fromFile(serviceAccountFilePath);
The FirebaseAuth class will let you control administrative tasks related to user management.
Currently, the feature-set for it is very limited, but the available methods are:
UserRecord user = await FirebaseAuth.instance.getUserById(uid);
The UserRecord object holds data like id, email, profilePicture, etc...
try {
String id = await FirebaseAuth.instance.verifyIdToken(<client token>, checkRevoked: true);
} catch (e) {
The client token can be acquired from any client using a Firebase Client SDK of any kind. There should be a method called firebase.currentUser.idToken() (or something along those lines) that gives you an id token you can send to your backend, waiting to be processed by this method here.
The returned id is the user's id. This method will throw an exception if verification does not succeed, with a descriptive exception message.
Further usage examples can be found in the integration tests.
This will give you ADMIN access to firestore, be careful. The Firestore class implements the necessary functionality for a usable firestore implementation.
// Instantiate a reference to a document - this happens offline
var ref = Firestore.instance.collection('test').document('doc');
// Subscribe to changes to that document
ref.stream.listen((document) => print('updated: $document'));
// Update the document
await ref.update({'value': 'test'});
// Get a snapshot of the document
var document = await ref.get();
print('snapshot: ${document['value']}');
'Sleeping for 30 seconds. You can make changes to test/doc in the UI console');
await Future.delayed((const Duration(seconds: 30)));
print('closing the connection');
await Firestore.instance.close();
Further usage examples can be found in the integration tests.
- The data is not cached locally.
- Failed writes (e.g. due to network errors) are not retried.
- Closed streams are not automatically recovered.
The FirebaseStorage class implements the necessary functionality for bucket interactions with firebase. Note that it is a wrapper from gcloud and made io-safe. It does not reference dart:io
There is no global/local instances to initialize here. You can reference a Bucket at any time as a local variable anywhere.
The storageURL looks like so: <project-id>.appspot.com
var bucket = await FirebaseStorage.getBucket(storageUrl);
await bucket.upload('remoteDirectory/remoteFile.jpg', localFile.absolute.path);
/// INFO
var info = await bucket.info('remoteDirectory/remoteFile.jpg');
await bucket.download('remoteDirectory/remoteFile.jpg', localFile.absolute.path);
/// LIST
var list = await (await bucket.list(prefix: 'remoteDirectory/')).toList();
await bucket.delete('remoteDirectory/remoteFile.jpg');
Several helper methods exist for uploading and downloading if you explore the FirebaseStorage
More advanced usages and further usage examples can be found in the integration tests.
class implements the necessary functionality for sending cloud messages.
Make sure you've enabled Cloud Messaging
in the Firebase Console
, also enroll a test device there.
You'll also need to go to open Project Settings
and under the Cloud Messaging
tab copy the Server key
Then in your main script:
import 'package:dartbase_admin/dartbase.dart';
import 'package:dartbase_admin/fcm/message.dart';
const cloudMessagingServerKey = 'Project settings -> Cloud Messaging -> Server key';
main() async {
var firebase = await Firebase.initialize(projectId,
await ServiceAccount.fromFile(serviceAccountPath));
var fcm = FCM(firebase, FCMConfig(firebase.projectId));
const token = '<Your device token here>';
const topic = '<Choose a topic name>';
// Send to a token
var message = Message(
token: token,
notification: MessageNotification(
title: "plantyplants test",
body: "Some body text here",
var nameTopicMessage = await fcm.send(message);
// Send to a topic
var message = Message(
topic: topic,
notification: MessageNotification(
title: "plantyplants test",
body: "Some body text here",
var nameTopicMessage = await fcm.send(message);
Further usage examples can be found in the integration tests.
- Doesn't support batch send.
- Doesn't support receiving a cloud message.