An aesthetic clock app.
- Light and Dark Background Themes
- Unique Text themes
- Fullscreen mode
- 12h or 24h mode
- Option for seconds
- Background and text theme selector
- Custom background theme maker
- Timer and alarm
To make a suggestion or report a bug, please create a new issue in 'Issues'. Please remember to use appropriate tags.
- eslint
- eslint/js
- browser-sync
- eslint-config-google
- globals
- gulp
- gulp-autoprefixer
- gulp-clean-css
- gulp-sass
- gulp-terser
- gulp-typescript
- sass
- Prettier
To check for TS format issues, use 'npm run lint' in the terminal. To compile both TS and SASS as well as run browser-sync (for real-time viewing of changes), run 'gulp' in the terminal. Use prettier to format all languages except TS.