The replication_qr_sgd repo provides the replication files for the following paper:
- Lee, S., Liao, Y., Seo, M.H. and Shin, Y., 2023. Fast inference for quantile regression with tens of millions of observations. Forthcoming in Journal of Econometrics.
Because of the large file sizes, the Github repo cannot hold the data files. To replicate the application results, please download a zip file: (1.6GB).
You need to extract it under the working directory. All data files should be located at application/data/
We use the following 6 files for estimating the model:
- data_ipums_1980.csv
- data_ipums_1990.csv
- data_ipums_2000.csv
- data_ipums_2005.csv
- data_ipums_2010.csv
- data_ipums_2015.csv
These files are contained in the above file. You can also generate those 6 files from the scratch by running data_cleaning.R file over
- PCEPI.csv
- usa_00005.cbk
- usa_00005.csv.gz
- usa_00005.xml.
All of these files are also contained in the file.
Four R files are located in the application/src/ folder:
- fn_estimate_model.R: contains an R function to estimate the model.
- make_table_04.R: generates Table 4 (summary statistics) in the paper.
- make_tables_and_charts.R: generates all other Tables and graphs in the paper.
- run_qr_sgd_app.R: is the main source code to estimate the model.
All results are saved under the application/results/ folder
All simulation results and the example running code is contained in the simulation folder.
- all_results_from_clusters: This folder contains all simulation results conducted in the larger cluster system.
example_running_code: This folder contains running code for a small-scale simulation design.
- The filename is sim_coverage.R.
- We set
$n=10^5$ ,$p=10$ with 10 replications. - The simulation results are saved under simulation/example_running_code/p10/n1e05/.