cdot provides transcripts for the 2 most popular Python HGVS libraries.
It works by:
- Converting RefSeq/Ensembl GTFs to JSON
- Providing loaders for the HGVS libraries, via JSON.gz files, or REST API via cdot_rest)
We currently support ~905k transcripts (vs ~141k in UTA v.20210129)
See changelog
- BioCommons HGVS DataProvider fixes
- Support for mouse transcripts (Mus Musculus GRCm38 and GRCm39)
- #41 - Support for T2T CHM13v2.0 example code
pip install cdot
Biocommons HGVS example:
import hgvs
from hgvs.assemblymapper import AssemblyMapper
from cdot.hgvs.dataproviders import JSONDataProvider, RESTDataProvider
hdp = RESTDataProvider() # Uses API server at
# hdp = JSONDataProvider(["./cdot-0.2.14.refseq.grch37.json.gz"]) # Uses local JSON file
am = AssemblyMapper(hdp,
alt_aln_method='splign', replace_reference=True)
hp = hgvs.parser.Parser()
var_c = hp.parse_hgvs_variant('NM_001637.3:c.1582G>A')
PyHGVS example:
import pyhgvs
from pysam.libcfaidx import FastaFile
from cdot.pyhgvs.pyhgvs_transcript import JSONPyHGVSTranscriptFactory, RESTPyHGVSTranscriptFactory
genome = FastaFile("/data/annotation/fasta/GCF_000001405.25_GRCh37.p13_genomic.fna.gz")
factory = RESTPyHGVSTranscriptFactory()
# factory = JSONPyHGVSTranscriptFactory(["./cdot-0.2.14.refseq.grch37.json.gz"]) # Uses local JSON file
pyhgvs.parse_hgvs_name('NM_001637.3:c.1582G>A', genome, get_transcript=factory.get_transcript_grch37)
- UTA public DB: 1-1.5 seconds / transcript
- cdot REST service: 10/second
- cdot JSON.gz: 500-1k/second
Download from GitHub releases - RefSeq (37/38) - 72M, Ensembl (37/38) 61M
Details on what the files contain here
Both projects have similar goals of providing transcripts for loading HGVS, but they approach it from different ways
- UTA aligns sequences, then stores coordinates in an SQL database.
- cdot convert existing Ensembl/RefSeq GTFs into JSON
See wiki page for the format.
We think a standard for JSON gene/transcript information would be a great thing, and am keen to collaborate to make it happen!
cdot, pronounced "see dot" stands for Complete Dict of Transcripts
This was developed for the Australian Genomics Shariant project, due to the need to load historical HGVS from lab archives.