Welcome to the Simple Card Sorting (Drag and Drop) example, created using version 0.6 of the GUI library for Rust, Dioxus!
- Reinstall the CLI to the git version. For Windows users need to install the Netwide Assembler (NASM). On startup it will open the shell and inside execute this command.
cargo install --git https://github.com/dioxuslabs/dioxus dioxus-cli --locked --force
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/DioxusGrow/card-sorting
and 👇
- Install npm: https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm
- Install the tailwind css cli: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/installation
- Run the following command in the root of the project to start the tailwind CSS compiler:
npx tailwindcss -i ./input.css -o ./assets/tailwind.css --watch
Run the following command in the root of the project to start the Dioxus dev server:
dx serve
- Open the browser to http://localhost:8080