Stack used : Mongo Express Angular Node
front End
contains angular assets
contains sample screenshots
back End
contains node assets
Future-Scope: backend is ready, front end is ready, dockerising the assets
Dependencies: Angular CLI, Node, npm, yarn, mongodb, express(all latest stable versions)
Steps to run:
- navigate to
font end
folder - run
npm istall
- run
ng serve
This wil start the angular server on port 4200
- navigate to
back end/task-app
folder - run
yarn install
- start the mongo server
- create a db named task-app, alternatively the connection string in .env is MONGODB_URL=mongodb://
- run
yarn start
Mongo server will be started locally on localhost:27017 and our node backend server will start on localhost:3000, ignore the warnings
Navigate to localhost:4200/login if you are not already navigated
login page: http://localhost:4200/login
register page: http://localhost:4200/register
task dashboard, will be visible after you login http://localhost:4200/dashboard
(edit mode)
- This is a responsive app, i.e it should work for mobile viewports too.
- Error handling is not completely fininsed on the task dashboard page, there might be inconsistencies.
- JWT token expires after a while, you will have to login again and again.
- Double click on the red exit button to logout
- Login/Register
- CRUD on tasks
- Add Priority and Deadline