Linux System Programming in C: Development a Calculator Program.
This is a client and server system based on signal communication, multiprocessing, and information transmission via files.
How to run the system:
- Run the server as a job (background).
- Run the client program. The Client program revieces 4 parameters:
- P1 : The server PID.
- P2 : The first numeric value on which the calculation operation must be performed.
- P3 : The calculation operation: 1-addition, 2-subtraction, 3-multiplication, 4-division.
- P4 : The second numeric value.
- As the client receiving the answer from the server software, the client will print the answer on the screen and stop working.
- To stop the server, move back the server to the foreground and send him a signal (for example: SIGINT by using ctrl + c).