Releases: RoboticsBrno/RoboticsBrno-guides
RoboticsManual: new URL/web address
Nové PDF verze Robotického manuálu již nenaleznete v rámci GitHub Releasu (tato stránka) ale na adrese
Čas překladu na úvodní stránce PDF a čas posledního commitu do dokumentace se liší o dvě hodiny z důvodu jiné časové zony na servrech Travisu a GitHubu (naší zóny).
English Version:
New versions of the RoboticsManual are going to be published on the URL:
The time of build on title page in PDF is different than the time of the commit. The difference is two hours due to different time zone on Travis server.
In this release, the time of build is different then the time of the commit. The difference is two hours due to different time zone on Travis server. That is the reason why time in the name of PDF file differs.
RoboticsManual_2018-10-22_10-08-00: Merge pull request #8 from RoboticsBrno/RoboticsManual
In this release, the time of build is different then the time of the commit. The difference is two hours due to different time zone on Travis server. That is the reason why time in the name of PDF file differs.
In this release, the time of build is different then the time of the commit. The difference is two hours due to different time zone on Travis server. That is the reason why time in the name of PDF file differs.
In this release, the time of build is different then the time of the commit. The difference is two hours due to different time zone on Travis server. That is the reason why time in the name of PDF file differs.
RoboticsManual_2018-09-22_18-07-23: Merge pull request #6 from RoboticsBrno/html
In this release, the time of build is different then the time of the commit. The difference is two hours due to different time zone on Travis server. That is the reason why time in the name of PDF file differs.
In this release, the time of build is different then the time of the commit. The difference is two hours due to different time zone on Travis server. That is the reason why time in the name of PDF file differs.
In this release, the time of build is different then the time of the commit. The difference is two hours due to different time zone on Travis server. That is the reason why time in the name of PDF file differs.
In this release, the time of build is different then the time of the commit. The difference is two hours due to different time zone on Travis server. That is the reason why time in the name of PDF file differs.