A Web based Application to help keep track of Visitors.
- Mongoose - MongoDB object modeling tool.
- Express - Express is a web application framework for Node.js
- ReactJS - JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Node,js - JavaScript RE that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser
- Inform the Host about Visitors through an Email and an SMS.
- Inform the Visitor about his visit through an Email an SMS.
- The Host and Visitor data was stored online at MongoDB Atlas.
- Emails were sent using the smtplib for Python.
- Messages were sent using the way2sms API and Python.
- A React Based User Interface was paired with an Express based server to form this Project.
- Host Interface
- Guest Interface
Guest Enters:-
Guest Exits:-
- Add styling to the application to impove the current minimal layout.
- Reuse prefetched data instead of querying the Database each time.
- Add appropriate error handlers and log those errors.