shinydashboardPlus v0.2.0
shinydashboardPlus V0.2 (on CRAN)
new timelines: timeLineBlock either inside or outside a box
new userPost function: userPostToolItemList, userPostToolItem, userPostMedia,
new boxProfile function: boxProfileItemList, boxProfileItem
update shinydashboardPlusGallery()
add shinydashboardPlusGallery()
update all examples
some minor fixes
NOTE: mailForm is not working at the moment!
Already included from V0.1
new right sidebar: rightSidebar
improved classic boxes: boxPlus
new boxes: gradientBox, widgetUserBox, socialBox
new box elements: boxPad, attachmentBlock, descriptionBlock, productList,
navPills, todoList, userList, boxComment
new buttons: appButton and socialButton (NOTE: these are not inputButtons!)
additional elements: starBlock, loadingState, blockQuote, dashboardLabel
switch between shinydashboard and shinydashboardPlus: dashboardHeaderPlus,
You can’t perform that action at this time.