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Implement new geometries
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mtsch committed Jan 21, 2025
1 parent 5f48b35 commit 0e65cd5
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Showing 3 changed files with 214 additions and 70 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Hamiltonians/Hamiltonians.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ export G2RealCorrelator, G2RealSpace, SuperfluidCorrelator, DensityMatrixDiagona
export SingleParticleExcitation, TwoParticleExcitation, ReducedDensityMatrix
export StringCorrelator, G2MomCorrelator

export CubicGrid, PeriodicBoundaries, HardwallBoundaries, LadderBoundaries
export CubicGrid, PeriodicBoundaries, HardwallBoundaries, LadderBoundaries, HoneycombLattice, HexagonalLattice

export HOCartesianContactInteractions, HOCartesianEnergyConservedPerDim, HOCartesianCentralImpurity
export AxialAngularMomentumHO
Expand Down
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions src/Hamiltonians/HubbardRealSpace.jl
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Expand Up @@ -140,11 +140,14 @@ is produced if `address`is incompatible with the interaction parameters `u`.
## Geometries
Implemented [`CubicGrid`](@ref)s for keyword `geometry`
Implemented [`Geometry`](@ref)s for keyword `geometry`
* [`CubicGrid`](@ref)
* [`PeriodicBoundaries`](@ref)
* [`HardwallBoundaries`](@ref)
* [`LadderBoundaries`](@ref)
* [`HoneycombLattice`](@ref)
* [`HexagonalLattice`](@ref)
Default is `geometry=PeriodicBoundaries(M,)`, i.e. a one-dimensional lattice with the
number of sites `M` inferred from the number of modes in `address`.
Expand All @@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ number of sites `M` inferred from the number of modes in `address`.
struct HubbardRealSpace{
C, # components
D, # dimension
# The following need to be type params.
Expand All @@ -181,7 +184,7 @@ end

function HubbardRealSpace(
u=ones(num_components(address), num_components(address)),
v=zeros(num_components(address), num_dimensions(geometry))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,7 +317,7 @@ struct HubbardRealSpaceCompOffdiagonals{G,A} <: AbstractOffdiagonals{A,Float64}

function offdiagonals(h::HubbardRealSpace, comp, add)
neighbours = 2 * num_dimensions(h.geometry)
neighbours = num_neighbors(h.geometry)
return HubbardRealSpaceCompOffdiagonals(
h.geometry, add, h.t[comp], num_occupied_modes(add) * neighbours
Expand All @@ -323,7 +326,7 @@ end
Base.size(o::HubbardRealSpaceCompOffdiagonals) = (o.length,)

@inline function Base.getindex(o::HubbardRealSpaceCompOffdiagonals, chosen)
neighbours = 2 * num_dimensions(o.geometry)
neighbours = num_neighbors(o.geometry)
particle, neigh = fldmod1(chosen, neighbours)
src_index = find_occupied_mode(o.address, particle)
neigh = neighbor_site(o.geometry, src_index.mode, neigh)
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269 changes: 205 additions & 64 deletions src/Hamiltonians/geometry.jl
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@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
CubicGrid(dims::NTuple{D,Int}, fold::NTuple{D,Bool})
abstract type Geometry{D}
Represents a `D`-dimensional grid. Used to define a cubic lattice and boundary conditions
for some [`AbstractHamiltonian`](@ref)s, e.g. with the keyword argument `geometry` when
constructing a [`HubbardRealSpace`](@ref). The type instance can be used to convert between
cartesian vector indices (tuples or `SVector`s) and linear indices (integers). When indexed
with vectors, it folds them back into the grid if the out-of-bounds dimension is periodic and
0 otherwise (see example below).
## Interface:
* `dims` controls the size of the grid in each dimension.
* `fold` controls whether the boundaries in each dimension are periodic (or folded in the
case of momentum space).
* `Base.size(::Geometry)`: return the size of the lattice.
* [`periodic_dimensions`](@ref)`(::Geometry)`: return a `D`-tuple of `Bool`s that signal which dimensions
of the geometry are periodic.
* [`num_neighbors`](@ref)`(::Geometry)`: return the number of sites each site is connected
* [`neighbor_site`](@ref)`(::Geometry, site, chosen)`: pick a neighbor of site `site`.
See also [`CubicGrid`](@ref), [`HoneycombLattice`](@ref), and [`HexagonalLattice`](@ref) for
concrete implementations and [`HubbardRealSpace`](@ref) for a Hamiltonian that uses
## Example
julia> geo = CubicGrid((2,3), (true,false))
Expand All @@ -37,12 +41,104 @@ julia> geo[(3,3)]
julia> geo[(3,4)] # returns 0 if out of bounds
abstract type Geometry{D} end

Base.size(g::Geometry, i) = size(g)[i]
Base.length(g::Geometry) = prod(size(g))

Return the number of neighbors each site has in the geometry.

neighbor_site(::Geometry, site, i)
Find the `i`-th neighbor of `site` in the geometry. If the move is illegal, return 0.

Return a `D`-tuple of `Bool`s signaling which dimensions of the [`Geometry`](@ref) are

Return the number of dimensions of the lattice in this geometry.
num_dimensions(::Geometry{D}) where {D} = D

function Base.getindex(g::Geometry{D}, vec::Union{NTuple{D,Int},SVector{D,Int}}) where {D}
return get(LinearIndices(size(g)), fold_vec(g, SVector(vec)), 0)
Base.getindex(g::Geometry, i::Int) = SVector(Tuple(CartesianIndices(size(g))[i]))

fold_vec(g::Geometry{D}, vec::SVector{D,Int}) -> SVector{D,Int}
Use the [`Geometry`](@ref) to fold the `vec` in each dimension. If folding is disabled in a
dimension, the vector is allowed to go out of bounds.
julia> geo = CubicGrid((2,3), (true,false))
CubicGrid{2}((2, 3), (true, false))
julia> fold_vec(geo, (3,1))
(1, 1)
julia> fold_vec(geo, (3,4))
(1, 4)
function fold_vec(g::Geometry{D}, vec::SVector{D,Int}) where {D}
(_fold_vec(Tuple(vec), periodic_dimensions(g), size(g)))
@inline _fold_vec(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = ()
@inline function _fold_vec((x, xs...), (f, fs...), (d, ds...))
x = f ? mod1(x, d) : x
return (x, _fold_vec(xs, fs, ds)...)

CubicGrid(dims::NTuple{D,Int}, fold::NTuple{D,Bool})
Represents a `D`-dimensional grid. Used to define a cubic lattice and boundary conditions
for some [`AbstractHamiltonian`](@ref)s, e.g. with the keyword argument `geometry` when
constructing a [`HubbardRealSpace`](@ref). The type instance can be used to convert between
cartesian vector indices (tuples or `SVector`s) and linear indices (integers). When indexed
with vectors, it folds them back into the grid if the out-of-bounds dimension is periodic and
0 otherwise (see example below).
* `dims` controls the size of the grid in each dimension.
* `fold` controls whether the boundaries in each dimension are periodic (or folded in the
case of momentum space).
See also [`PeriodicBoundaries`](@ref), [`HardwallBoundaries`](@ref) and
[`LadderBoundaries`](@ref) for special-case constructors. See also
[`HubbardRealSpace`](@ref) and [`G2RealSpace`](@ref).
[`LadderBoundaries`](@ref) for special-case constructors and [`HoneycombLattice`](@ref), and
[`HexagonalLattice`](@ref) for alternative lattice geometries.
See also [`HubbardRealSpace`](@ref) and [`G2RealSpace`](@ref).
A 3×2 `CubicGrid` is indexed as follows.
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
struct CubicGrid{D,Dims,Fold}
struct CubicGrid{D,Dims,Fold} <: Geometry{D}
function CubicGrid(
dims::NTuple{D,Int}, fold::NTuple{D,Bool}=ntuple(Returns(true), Val(D))
) where {D}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,49 +190,7 @@ function, g::CubicGrid{<:Any,Dims,Fold}) where {Dims,Fold}

Base.size(g::CubicGrid{<:Any,Dims}) where {Dims} = Dims
Base.size(g::CubicGrid{<:Any,Dims}, i) where {Dims} = Dims[i]
Base.length(g::CubicGrid) = prod(size(g))
fold(g::CubicGrid{<:Any,<:Any,Fold}) where {Fold} = Fold

Return the number of dimensions of the lattice in this geometry.
See also [`CubicGrid`](@ref).
num_dimensions(::CubicGrid{D}) where {D} = D

fold_vec(g::CubicGrid{D}, vec::SVector{D,Int}) -> SVector{D,Int}
Use the [`CubicGrid`](@ref) to fold the `vec` in each dimension. If folding is disabled in a
dimension, and the vector is allowed to go out of bounds.
julia> geo = CubicGrid((2,3), (true,false))
CubicGrid{2}((2, 3), (true, false))
julia> fold_vec(geo, (3,1))
(1, 1)
julia> fold_vec(geo, (3,4))
(1, 4)
function fold_vec(g::CubicGrid{D}, vec::SVector{D,Int}) where {D}
(_fold_vec(Tuple(vec), fold(g), size(g)))
@inline _fold_vec(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = ()
@inline function _fold_vec((x, xs...), (f, fs...), (d, ds...))
x = f ? mod1(x, d) : x
return (x, _fold_vec(xs, fs, ds)...)

function Base.getindex(g::CubicGrid{D}, vec::Union{NTuple{D,Int},SVector{D,Int}}) where {D}
return get(LinearIndices(size(g)), fold_vec(g, SVector(vec)), 0)
Base.getindex(g::CubicGrid, i::Int) = SVector(Tuple(CartesianIndices(size(g))[i]))
periodic_dimensions(g::CubicGrid{<:Any,<:Any,Fold}) where {Fold} = Fold

Directions(D) <: AbstractVector{SVector{D,Int}}
Expand All @@ -161,7 +215,7 @@ See also [`CubicGrid`](@ref).
struct Directions{D} <: AbstractVector{SVector{D,Int}} end

Directions(D) = Directions{D}()
Directions(::CubicGrid{D}) where {D} = Directions{D}()
Directions(::Geometry{D}) where {D} = Directions{D}()

Base.size(::Directions{D}) where {D} = (2D,)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,21 +276,108 @@ Base.size(off::Displacements) = (length(off.geometry),)

neighbor_site(geom::CubicGrid, site, i)
Find the `i`-th neighbor of `site` in the geometry. If the move is illegal, return 0.
See also [`CubicGrid`](@ref).
function neighbor_site(g::CubicGrid{D}, mode, chosen) where {D}
# TODO: reintroduce LadderBoundaries small dimensions
return g[g[mode] + Directions(D)[chosen]]

num_neighbors(::CubicGrid{D}) where {D} = 2D

function BitStringAddresses.onr(address, geom::CubicGrid{<:Any,S}) where {S}
return SArray{Tuple{S...}}(onr(address))
function BitStringAddresses.onr(address::CompositeFS, geom::CubicGrid)
return map(fs -> onr(fs, geom), address.components)

HoneycombLattice((height, width), fold=(true, true))
A honeycomb lattice where each site has three neighbors. If periodic, each dimension of the
lattice must be divisible by 2.
A 4×4 `HoneycombLattice` is indexed as follows.
╲ ╱ ╲ ╱
1──5 9─13
╱ ╲ ╱ ╲
─2 6─10 14─
╲ ╱ ╲ ╱
3──7 11─15
╱ ╲ ╱ ╲
─4 8─12 16─
╲ ╱ ╲ ╱
struct HoneycombLattice{Dims,Fold} <: Geometry{2}
function HoneycombLattice(dims::Tuple{Int,Int}, fold=(true, true))
if fold[1] && isodd(dims[1])
throw(ArgumentError("if `fold[1] == true`, the lattice height must be even"))
if fold[2] && isodd(dims[2])
throw(ArgumentError("if `fold[2] == true`, the lattice width must be even"))
if any(<(1), dims)
throw(ArgumentError("lattice dimensions must be positive!"))
return new{dims,fold}()
HoneycombLattice(h, w, fold=(true, true)) = HoneycombLattice((h, w), fold)

Base.size(::HoneycombLattice{Dims}) where {Dims} = Dims
periodic_dimensions(::HoneycombLattice{<:Any,Fold}) where {Fold} = Fold

function neighbor_site(geom::HoneycombLattice, mode, chosen)
i, j = geom[mode]
if chosen 2
target = SVector(i + ifelse(chosen == 1, 1, -1), j)
target = SVector(i, j + ifelse(isodd(i + j), -1, 1))
source = geom[mode]
return geom[target]

num_neighbors(::HoneycombLattice) = 3

HexagonalLattice((height, width), fold=(true, true))
A hexagonal lattice where each site has 6 neighbors.
A 3×2 `HexagonalLattice` is indexed as follows.
╲ │ ╲ │ ╲
─ 1 ─ 4 ─
╲ │ ╲ │ ╲
─ 2 ─ 5 ─
╲ │ ╲ │ ╲
─ 3 ─ 6 ─
╲ │ ╲ │ ╲
struct HexagonalLattice{Dims,Fold} <: Geometry{2}
function HexagonalLattice(dims::Tuple{Int,Int}, fold::Tuple{Bool,Bool}=(true,true))
if any(<(1), dims)
throw(ArgumentError("lattice dimensions must be positive!"))
return new{dims,fold}()
HexagonalLattice(h, w, fold=(true, true)) = HexagonalLattice((h, w), fold)

Base.size(::HexagonalLattice{Dims}) where {Dims} = Dims
periodic_dimensions(::HexagonalLattice{<:Any,Fold}) where {Fold} = Fold

function neighbor_site(geom::HexagonalLattice, mode, chosen)
if chosen 4
# same as CubicGrid{2}
offset = Directions(2)[chosen]
offset = SVector(1, 1) * ifelse(chosen == 5, 1, -1)
return geom[geom[mode] + offset]

num_neighbors(::HexagonalLattice) = 6

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