Software Engineering Studio 1A
Case Study: eRestaurant
Group 8 - 3 Michelin Star Programmers
Team Members:
- Katrina George (13940174)
- Roshel Gonzales (13883931)
- Kieren Karanjia (13912795)
- Joseph Kokkat (13919725)
- Sarah Sindone (13902337)
IMPORTANT: MongoDB compass is required for this application to store all data made
- Create the .env file, the following fields is needed for the .env file:
DB_Connection= {insert address to local mongodb compass}
EMAIL_ADDRESS= {insert the email for the restaurant}
EMAIL_ADDRESS_PASSWORD= {insert the password for the email}
The registration process requires a restaurant email to send a verification link when new users register:
- Create an email to act as the restaurant's email
- Make sure to add the email address and the password to the email in the .env file
Download the MongoDB community server
- Make sure to insert the local address to of your database into the .env file
Before starting the application, make sure all the packages have been installed.
- Go through the
file to view the packages neede for the website to function
- Go through the
When running the website, make sure MongoDB is running
That should be all the set-up steps required to run the web application, if there are any problems when setting up please contact: [email protected]