Small-Watch is webpack plugin for files watching and executing provided callback. It will be useful, when other watch methods is not working. It use a function fs.watchFile.
Run a command:
npm i small-watch --save-dev
Then init plugin, in plugins array, with your options.
const smallWatch = require('small-watch');
plugins: [
new smallWatch({
//your options
Fields of options object:
- dir - directory of base catalog, default
(string) - files - files for watching default
(array) - ignore - files for ignore, default
(array) - callback - function, which will be called after file change. One argument - fileName, default
empty func
plugins: [
new smallWatch({
dir: 'resources',
files: ['views/*.php'],
callback: file => {
const bs = require('browser-sync').get('bs-webpack-plugin');
new BrowserSyncPlugin({
host: 'localhost',
port: 3000,
proxy: 'http://localhost/'