All options should be either checked or crossed out (if option does'nt meet project requirements)
- Should be upgradeable (if there is no requirement for decentralization or if the contract is not supposed to hold any funds)
- Should have withdraw ERC20/ETH functions for onlyOwner
If contract dont have to held eth/erc20 on it's balance
- Transfer out all the balances remainders
- Require that balances before and after the transaction are equal
- Property based tests for all options above
Contracts usage
- Aware of 3rd party audits for all contract that we used
- Property based tests for all contract's state and functions
- 95%+ total test coverage
Static analyzers
- Slither's analysis does'nt contain any critical issues
- No deployment configuration hardcode
for non upgradeable smart contracts - Hardhat's scripts or tasks and
for upgradeable smart contracts