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Reava edited this page Mar 17, 2023 · 4 revisions

Reava_'s Udon UwUtils Toolkit

You'll find all sorts of niche scripts made in U# by myself for different projects, revisited & cleaned for everyone's use. By all means you are very welcome to pick and choose parts of my code to make your own scripts! These serve as a handy toolbox for everyone either for using directly in projects or to grow into new scripts of their own.

Info: There are currently 31 Udon Scripts and 1 Tool in UwUtils! This will continue to expand as I find more ideas.


  • You can easily add any of my scripts by simply typing it in the component window instead of adding a Udon behaviour first!
  • A lot of my scripts work best when used with other UwUtils scripts, you can do a LOT by combining their efforts!
  • A lot of variables have tooltips you can hover over to get more insight
  • My scripts output proper errors and logs, you can search for "Reava_/UwUtils/" in your logs/console to see any issues or find more insight about their behaviour.
  • If you find any issues, need support or think of a script you'd like to see, you can join my Discord or open an issue on Github!

Script list

  • i TP: Literally just TPs you on interact, that's it.
  • i State: Switches the state of an array of GameObjects. Can receive events to either invert the state, toggle all on, or toggle all off. (_InvertState,_Disable,_Enable)
  • i State Set: On interact, sets the state of an array of gameObjects. Does NOT revert once triggered again, it SETS the state and is NOT synced. (Events: _Invert to do the opposite, _Switch to swap all states)
  • Tag Assigner: Functions as a whitelist with functions, assigns a Tag to anyone who matches their username to the user Array of the behavior on world join. Local, allows toggling specific objects if user matches. Has a toggle to empower the user if they just created the instance regardless of whitelist matching. Supports adding users on the go and loading a remote string for updating the whitelist without updating the world!
  • Tag TP: If you got the correct Tag to your name on interact with the behavior, teleports you to the target, if not, teleports you to the second target (or doesn't if empty / disabled)
  • reflectionprobeiscool: RelfectionProbes are cool! make them real time, scripted and add this script to change the frequency they refresh at !
  • Spinny: A script to rotate things on any axis, at any speed, and even at weird update speeds (like 30 degrees but only once a second). You should do that with animators, but this might be useful idk.
  • Unity Fog Toggle: Just an interact toggle that toggles ON/OFF Unity's fog... that's it. Call it with a trigger or a UI button, it'll work.
  • Scene Initializer: Want to have things enabled for the first few seconds an user enters your world then disable ? the opposite ? both ? Just use that, ezpz
  • tag Setter: Set a pre determined tag to the local user on interact. that's it.
  • Tag Debugger: Handy tool to display the local user's tag and output it to the debugLogs or text (Compatible with UnityUI, TMP & TMP GUI), updates on Interact & on Start.
  • Tag Array TP: Have a lot of tags & want each one to TP the user to a different spot ? Well... this does it all for ya! Even has a fallback target when the user doesn't have a tag (can be disabled to disallow TPing when no matching ranks are found)
  • Event Relay: Wanna use a button to push another button ? Do the same as UI can do ? Yup, just type the event name (like "_interact"), if you want a delay or not & for how many seconds.... and you're good to go! You can also check the state of another object to ignore the delay if that object is on / off. Will support UdonBehavior Arrays on for the UdonSharp1.0 update soon
  • Udon Keybinds: Send an event call to 6 different udon behaviors based on keybinds, serves either for RollTheRed's Camera System or as a code template. Press CTRL + 1 to 6 to trigger changes. CTRL + 0 to toggle keybinds ON/OFF, defaults to ON unless changed. Will support UdonBehavior Arrays on for the UdonSharp1.0 update soon
  • Animator Driver: Inverts a boolean on an animator on interact... and that's it
  • Trigger Zone Relay: Assign trigger colliders, and assign an Udon Behavior to send an event to either on Enter or Exit, super simple stuff! Supports UdonBehaviorArrays for U# 1.x version of the scripts.
  • Playercount To Animator: Enables driving an Animator's parameter (one parameter per Behavior, multiple Animators at once supported) between two values (Min/Max) depending on the player count in the instance. Can set the player count cap to reach max value.
  • Join Bell: Pretty straightforward, just tap in an AudioSource & a clip for Join/Leave and enjoy
  • Toggle Canvas: Same as iState, but for Canvas components
  • MeshRenderer Swapper: Enables swapping between two Groups of Mesh Renderers at runtime, setting between 1 & 2 as default, and which group by default on Quest. practical for optimization toggles. Supports events (_switchGroup, _enableOne, _enableTwo)
  • Instance Creator Relay: Sends a custom event of your choice to Udon Behaviors if the local user just created the instance
  • Fading TP: A small prefab that allows you to setup an infinite amount of teleports with Fade In/Out blackout effects! (Can change the fade speed per door, super lightweight)
  • Spawn Fade: A small prefab for fading into a world when you join, can toggle to also fade in when respawning! (Toggleable on runtime, can change the fade speed)
  • RemoteStringToText: Allows loading a remote string from a URL and output to an array, or any type of text field (feel free to use as a code base for your own use!)
  • Sequencial Toggle: Toggles a set of objects in sequential order, can send a different event to toggle it completely and keep progress, interact to go through it.
  • Advanced UI Toggle: All the things done around a toggle packed in a single behavior, can be used with a UI button, physical event button or actual UI button to change anything Ui related + sound feedback, all toggleable.
  • Collectible: WHen interacted with, can send a value to the Collection System to add to the balance of it
  • Collection System: The brain that receives events from Collectibles and adds up all the values received, can output to mulitple text displays
  • Toggle Hub: Links any number of toggles together and allows any of them to control the rest of them, and update a script when a new value is received
  • Slider Hub: Links any number of sliders together and allows any of them to control the rest of them, and update a script when a new value is received
  • PostProcessing Controller: Controls the post processing weight based on a slider or Slider Hub
  • [Instance Time Actions] > NOT READY < Enables performing actions based on Instance Time (segmented), synced for late joiners.


  • [BakeryEditorAddons: Allows scaling any property of any bakery light in group by selecting multiple or their parents then right click > Bakery > scale x. Accepts any basic mathematical operation (ex: *2 or /5 or +5 etc)


Check updates before reporting issues.

  • Unity (Tested: v2019.4.31f1)
  • VRChat Worlds SDK3 (Tested: v3.1.11 VCC)
  • UdonSharp (Tested: v1.17+)
  • Text Mesh Pro is very recommended but won't break things, can be imported anytime.


  • UwUtils_AxisGuides A package containing a Blender & Unity Axis model for debugging or display, <1kb texture & 1 Meter scale (bounds)


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Some tutorials might be posted on my Youtube:

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