- Visual Studio
- Postgres
- Use the connection string in "MightyGmWpf/App.cong" to configure the database
- Define SQL model using the SQL Files
- Check the needed Nuget packages
- The Application is divided between 2 GUI technologies : WPF and Mono called MightyGM[GuiTechName].
- The Main Application is MightyGmWpf (the Mono one still has to be developed).
- It uses MightyGmCtrl.
- Wich uses Core and Core[GuiTechName].
- Each Implemented RPG [RPG] commes with 2-3 dll projects :
- [RPG]
- [RPG]>Wpf
- [RPG]>Mono
- The basics of an RPG dll are generated by the DataGenerator project.
- TableTop is the Mono .
- use WPF for testing in beta
- develop TableTop in Mono
- develop application in Mono