This is a Library Management System website,
developed as an initial skeleton of website for Library Database for the Database System project assigned to us for Sem-II of B.Tech( CSE ) 1st year in IIIT Gwalior.
This website has been developed using HTML and CSS only.
- It contains four tabs for Home, Employee, Customer and Admin Sections.
- The contents of all the four sections are completely empty as this was just a skeleton
Final Library Management System Website
- This final website is made using angular framework and firebase
- BootSwatch and Angular Material has been used as primary styling libraries/modules
- The website is extremely fast and robust, owing to its single page application property provided by Angular
- 'Toastr' library has been used to generate success,warning and error messages during User Input validations and logins/logouts
- Firebase is used as hosting and authentication provider
- Cloud Firestore serves the Cloud database used in this SPA
- 'AngularFire' was used to integrate the Angular app with Firebase and Firestore Database