Installation and Navigation of Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the installation and navigation of Visual Studio Code (VS Code). Provide detailed explanations and examples where appropriate.
Installation of VS Code:
- Describe the steps to download and install Visual Studio Code on Windows 11 operating system. Include any prerequisites that might be needed.
First-time Setup:
- After installing VS Code, what initial configurations and settings should be adjusted for an optimal coding environment? Mention any important settings or extensions.
First-time Setup: Initial configurations and settings:
Extensions: Install essential extensions such as:
ESLint for JavaScript linting.
Live Server for local web development.
GitLens for enhanced Git functionalities.
Customize settings via File > Preferences > Settings.
Consider adjusting theme (workbench.colorTheme), font size (editor.fontSize), and keybindings (keybindings.json).
User Interface Overview:
- Explain the main components of the VS Code user interface.
Identify and describe the purpose of the Activity Bar, Side Bar, Editor Group, and Status Bar. User Interface Overview:
Main components of the VS Code user interface:
Activity Bar: Provides quick access to views like Explorer, Source Control, Run & Debug, and Extensions.
Side Bar: Contains different panels such as Explorer (file navigation), Search, Source Control (Git), and Extensions.
Editor Group: Displays open files within tabs. Supports split views for editing multiple files.
Status Bar: Shows information like line endings, language mode, Git branch, and errors/warnings.
- Command Palette:
- What is the Command Palette in VS Code, and how can it be accessed? Provide examples of common tasks that can be performed using the Command Palette.
Command Palette: Purpose and access of the Command Palette:
Access: Open with Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS).
Tasks: Execute tasks like searching for files (> File: Open File), running Git commands (> Git: Pull), and configuring settings (> Preferences: Open Settings).
- Extensions in VS Code:
- Discuss the role of extensions in VS Code. How can users find, install, and manage extensions? Provide examples of essential extensions for web development. Extensions in VS Code: Role and management of extensions:
Role: Extend VS Code functionality (e.g., languages, debuggers, themes). Management: Install via Extensions view in Activity Bar or Marketplace (Ctrl+Shift+X).
Examples: Essential extensions include ESLint, Live Server, Debugger for Chrome for web development.
Integrated Terminal:
- Describe how to open and use the integrated terminal in VS Code.
What are the advantages of using the integrated terminal compared to an external terminal?
Integrated Terminal: Opening and advantages of the integrated terminal:
Open: Use Ctrl+ ` (backtick) or Terminal > New Terminal.
Advantages: Seamless integration with VS Code workflow (e.g., running scripts, Git commands) without switching windows.
File and Folder Management:
- Explain how to create, open, and manage files and folders in VS Code.
How can users navigate between different files and directories efficiently?
File and Folder Management: Creating, opening, and managing files/folders:
Create: File > New File or right-click in Explorer.
Open: Double-click in Explorer or File > Open Folder.
Navigate: Use Explorer to switch between files/folders.
Use breadcrumbs for navigation (Ctrl+Shift+E).
Settings and Preferences:
- Where can users find and customize settings in VS Code? Provide examples of how to change the theme, font size, and keybindings.
Settings and Preferences: Customizing settings in VS Code:
Access: File > Preferences > Settings or Ctrl+,. Examples:
Theme: Change with workbench.colorTheme.
Font size: Adjust via editor.fontSize.
Keybindings: Modify in keybindings.json.
Debugging in VS Code:
- Outline the steps to set up and start debugging a simple program in VS Code. What are some key debugging features available in VS Code?
Debugging in VS Code: Steps to set up and start debugging:
Configure Launch: Create launch.json for your environment (e.g., Node.js, Chrome).
Set Breakpoints: Click in the gutter next to line numbers.
Start Debugging: Press F5 or Run > Start Debugging.
Key Features:
Watch Variables: Monitor variable values.
Call Stack: View function call hierarchy.
Debug Console: Execute commands during debugging.
- Using Source Control:
- How can users integrate Git with VS Code for version control? Describe the process of initializing a repository, making commits, and pushing changes to GitHub. Using Source Control: Integrating Git with VS Code:
Initialize Repository: Open folder in VS Code and initialize Git (Terminal > New Terminal, then git init). Make Commits:
Stage changes (git add .).
Commit changes (git commit -m "Your commit message").
Push Changes to GitHub:
Set remote (git remote add origin ).
Push commits (git push -u origin main).
Submission Guidelines:
- Your answers should be well-structured, concise, and to the point.
- Provide screenshots or step-by-step instructions where applicable.
- Cite any references or sources you use in your answers.
- Submit your completed assignment by 1st July