Task 1: Repository Setup
GitHub Repository Creation:
Log in to your GitHub account.
Click on the "+" icon in the top right corner of the page and select "New repository".
Fill in the repository name (e.g., PLPBasicGitAssignment).
Optionally, provide a description.
Choose to make the repository public because it is going to be viewed by other party
Initialize the repository with a README file.
Click on "Create repository".
Task 2: Local Setup
Local Folder Setup:
Create a new folder on your local machine (e.g., PLPBasicGitAssignment).
Git Initialization:
Open a terminal or command prompt.
Navigate to the created folder using cd command.
cd path/to/PLPBasicGitAssignment
Initialize a new Git repository in your local folder.
git init
Connecting to GitHub:
Link your local repository to the GitHub repository you created in Task 1. Replace with your GitHub repository URL.
git remote add origin https://github.com/RamspheldOnyangoOchieng/PLPBasicGitAssignment.git
Task 3: Making Changes
Create a File:
Inside your local folder (PLPBasicGitAssignment), create a new text file. You can use your preferred text editor to create a file named hello.txt.
Open a Text Editor like notepad using the command
notepad then click enter to open
Add a simple text message to hello.txt, for example:
PLP has really fed my Semester with Enjoyement.
Committing Changes:
Stage the changes to be committed.
git add hello.txt
Commit the changes with a descriptive message.
git commit -m "Add hello.txt with a greeting"
Task 4: Pushing to GitHub
Pushing to GitHub:
Push the committed changes from your local repository to your GitHub repository's main branch (or master branch if you haven't switched to the main branch).
git push -u origin main
If prompted, enter your GitHub credentials (username and password).
Task 5: Verification
Verify on GitHub:
Visit your GitHub repository in a web browser.
Navigate to the repository and confirm that the hello.txt file and your commit message are visible in the repository's file list and commit history.