A simple Js based debug-info-snippet for displaying information on console
Inside the dbg.js edit the gloabl variable Enable = 0/1. To enable the console message, supply a value that is not equal to zero. And to disable give the value 0.
And finally use it as a function call with the parameters!
dbg(LogInfo, "Message");
Here LogInfo is used to display the type of log information(INFO, SUCCESS, etc.). And Message is the string/message we need to display!
Currently there are Info, Success, Warning and Error LogInfos implemented, feel free to add your own.
LogInfo | String | Number |
Information | "i" | 1 |
Success | "s" | 2 |
Warning | "w" | 3 |
Error | "e" | 4 |
dbg("s", "Project directory updated!");
dbg(2, "Project directory updated!");