A HoundCI service that handles the code linting.
This service pulls jobs off of the queue and uses the appropriate linter to review a single file for code style violations. Once the code has been reviewed, this service puts the results back on the queue for Hound to process.
This service uses the following linters:
- coffeelint for CoffeeScript
- credo for Elixir
- eslint for JavaScript and JSX
- haml-lint for HAML
- jshint for JavaScript
- reek for Ruby code smells
- remark-lint for Markdown
- rubocop for Ruby
- sass-lint for SASS
- scss-lint for SCSS
- slim-lint for Slim
- stylelint for SCSS/CSS
- tslint for TypeScript
To contribute to the Linters codebase, see the CONTRIBUTING.md file.