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Machine setup for Azure deployment

John Jose edited this page Jan 19, 2023 · 2 revisions

Deploying to Azure

The most efficient way to deploy a Conclave application is to use an Azure virtual machine..


Microsoft Azure provides ready-made VMs that support the latest attestation protocols. Follow the instructions below to set up such a VM.

Machine setup

You need to create an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Gen2 VM from the confidential compute line (named like this: DC?s_v3) where the question mark is the size.

=== "Azure CLI"

1. You need to create the VM inside a resource group. You may use an existing resource group or create one with the
following command:
az group create -l <LOCATION> -n <GROUP-NAME>

2. Create the VM.
az vm create \
--size Standard_DC4s_v3 \
--image Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-server-focal:20_04-lts-gen2:latest \
--name <VM-NAME> \
--resource-group <GROUP-NAME>

`VM-NAME` is the name you choose for the VM, and `GROUP-NAME` is the name of your resource group.

=== "Azure Portal"

Make sure you do the following when creating your Azure Confidential Computing VM:

* Use the `Ubuntu Server 20.04 (Gen2)` image
* Pick a size that's got plenty of RAM. You might have to click "Change size" to find the `DC4s_v3` type
* Ensure that the public inbound ports are open for SSH access

![select dc4sv3 VM](images/create-dc4sv3-vm.png)
![open public inbound ports](images/create-dc4sv3-vm-publicinbound.png)

After you have logged on to the VM:

  1. Check that the enclave device is in the /dev/sgx/ or /dev/sgx_* directory.
  2. Add your user into the sgx_prv group to give it access to SGX.
sudo usermod -aG sgx_prv $USER
  1. Log out from the VM and log in again so that your user has SGX access.

You have set up your Azure VM successfully.

To make the enclave use the DCAP protocol for attestation, use the AttestationParameters.DCAP class when starting the enclave using EnclaveHost.start.

When using a Conclave application on Azure, you should remember that Azure does not guarantee access to the same machine on reboot. As encrypted secrets are strictly tightened to the Intel SGX CPU running the VM, you might lose data if Azure moves the VM to a different machine. To prevent data loss, you need to use the Key Derivation Service (KDS).