A simple and powerful form building system.
The first step in creating a form is to initialize the class and assign the form variables. For more details and to view all possible variable settings see Form Plugin Data
$form = new form(array("action" => "/admin/user/edit.php", "title" => "User", "submit" => "Save"));
$form = new form();
$form->attribute("action" => "/account/login/");
$form->attribute("title" => "Login");
$settings = array();
$settings["submit"] = "Login";
$settings["reset"] = "Reset";
Once the form has been initialized items can be added to it. The items will be displayed in the order they were submitted. For more details and to view all possible variable settings see Form Plugin Item Data
$items = array();
$items[] = new form_item(array("type" => "text", "label" => "Login", "validation" => array("required" => true)));
$items[] = new form_item(array("type" => "text", "label" => "Password", "validation" => array("required" => true)));
$item = new form_item(array("type" => "text", "label" => "Login", "validation" => array("required" => true)));
$item = new form_item();
$item->attribute("type" => "text");
$item->attributes(array("label" => "Login", "validation" => array("required" => true)));
Once the form and all of it's items are configurate properly you can output the form on the page.
Thanks to Josh Cunningham [email protected] author of php-form-builder for inspiring this project.