A work in progress Cli tool to generate preview images from a zmk .keymap file.
You can download a pre compiled binary directly from the releases for your OS/Architecture.
I made an installation script that should download the latest available version corresponding to your OS and architecture. sudo
is needed to copy the binary to /usr/local/bin
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrMarble/zmk-viewer/master/scripts/install.sh | sudo -E bash -
# or with wget
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrMarble/zmk-viewer/master/scripts/install.sh | sudo -E bash -
Download the executable directly from the releases
If you already have Go in your system you can use go install to build the binary without cloning the repo first.
go install github.com/mrmarble/zmk-viewer/cmd/zmk-viewer@latest # or target a specific version @v0.1.0
Usage: zmk-viewer generate <keyboard-name>
Generate layout image.
<keyboard-name> Keyboard name to fetch layout.
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
-D, --debug Enable debug mode
--version Print version information and quit
-f, --file=STRING ZMK .keymap file
-l, --layout-file=STRING info.json file
-t, --transparent Use a transparent background.
-r, --raw Draw the ZMK codes instead of the key labels.
-s, --single Generate a single image.
-u, --unified Generate a single image with all the layers.
-o, --output="." Output directory.
Keyboard name should be the same as in https://config.qmk.fm.
cd C:\Users\KZ\Downloads\Installers\zmk-viewer-1.5.0-windows-386
zmk-viewer generate bastardkb/dilemma/3x5_3
Will output this image:
You can pass a .keymap file (this one for reference) to generate the layout with bindings
cd C:\Users\KZ\Downloads\Installers\zmk-viewer-1.5.0-windows-386
zmk-viewer generate -f C:\Users\KZ\Desktop\keymap\Klein-zmk\config\boards\shields\klein\klein.keymap bastardkb/dilemma/3x5_3
will output an image for each layer:
cd C:\Users\KZ\Downloads\Installers\zmk-viewer-1.5.0-windows-386
zmk-viewer generate -f C:\Users\KZ\Desktop\keymap\Klein-zmk\config\boards\shields\klein\klein.keymap bastardkb/dilemma/3x5_3 --single
will output one image with all layers:
cd C:\Users\KZ\Downloads\Installers\zmk-viewer-1.5.0-windows-386
zmk-viewer generate -f C:\Users\KZ\Desktop\keymap\Klein-zmk\config\boards\shields\klein\klein.keymap bastardkb/dilemma/3x5_3 --unified
will output one image with all layers stacked: