#The expenses of the ISS
The project „the expenses of the ISS“ was the second part of the course Eingabe Ausgabe by Fabian Morón Zirfas at the FH-Potsdam
###Quick Explenation
The Task was to create a data visualization, with the main theme ISS.
The first decision was which aspect of the ISS you wanted to cover. I tried to make a quick and simple overview of all money that has been spend to build and maintain the International Space Station. So at first you had to get all the numbers and facts right, which is pretty hard, because nearly each source tells you different. By collecting many sources, it grows an overview. Especially the russian part was pretty difficult, because they only publish a rare amount of numbers. I wanted to create a poster. In order to make a data visualization i used different styles, as seen in the finished work. As you can quickly spot, the money spend has huge differences between countries, so i tried to set the money spend in connection with the persons who visited the ISS by countries. Calculated is the average money spend one person at ISS 700.000.000$. At the right it shows, what you could buy instead. And at the bottom right, who could afford it.
The colors concerning of the Cosmos, or the earth „the blue planet“. The logo on top is drawing of the ISS. The poster was made completely in Adobe Illustrator.