This extension comes with:
- Hexed Compatability Fix
- Notorious Compatability Fix
- Button Color Styling Fix
- Localization Of The Toggle Button Icons
- Added QMCGroup Control
- Added QMCToggle Control
- Added QMCSlider Control
- Added QMCSelector Control
- Added QMCFuncButton Control
- Added QMCFuncToggle Control
- Various visual bug fixes
and much more!
- Added State Change stuff for toggles
- Added QMCTitle
- Added QMCFuncButton
- QMCSelector, QMCToggle, and QMCFuncButton controls can now be use in collapsible button groups
- Fixed namespaces
- Started work on the Wing API
- I love PDK
- Improved button component/object formatting and centering
- Added support for chaining with the following controls:
- Fixed sliders and added support for setting values on the slider through a config (Thanks Cyconi)
- Other small fixes that aren't all that important
- Started work on a multitoggle system for QMCToggles
2 Updates in one day???!!???!?!!!
- Added a brand new AddToggle method! This is a completely custom control and is not native to VRChat
THREE UPDATES??!?!?!!?!??!?/1/ anyways, heres the changelog:
- Added the brand new QMCFuncToggle control!
- Changed around the QMCFuncButton and QMCFuncToggle method names for more familiarity
- QMCToggle tooltip argument was moved to come before the listener
- Fixed a really stupid mistake that I made. This api version is safe to download
- made the function toggle control ovverride the sprites instead of setting them
six T~T
- fixed the sprite setting stuff (more like tweaked it due to majority vote)
- Fixed any and all controls involving the QMCFuncButton and QMCFuncToggle controls
AddToggle now works properly
Listeners in the QMCToggleControls as well as the AddToggle methods no longer overlap
Icon overrides apply properly
Other stuff
Thank you voids for your patience and I'm sorry for the trouble
QMCFunc patches:
- Icon overrides apply properly under all cases
- listeners all work properly under all cases
thorough testing has been done. This build is confirmed to be safe.
- removed console references which i was using for debugging (thanks voids for pointing this out)
- Readjusted versioning system to be more reasonable
- Added bug(s) from the original WorldAPI
Fixed various spelling mistakes
Added several code optimizations
Fixed VRCPage headers flashing upon being opened
Removed QMCSlider Reset Button styling
Fixed QMCToggle and QMCSlider toggle control tooltips
Visible progress on the Wing API
Do not use yet.
The Wing API is not functional nor should it be used as functional code
The Wing API is still under development and will be released soon
- Made the syntax consistent across all files
- Various code optimizations
- Visible progress on the Wing API
Not ready for use yet, but close
- Added RemoveSetting() method to the QMCSelector
- Added ClearSettings() method to the QMCSelector
- Added the option to invoke the first-added QMCSelector setting listener on initialization
- Added the option to invoke the listener of a setting upon removal
- Added AddSpacer() method to the QMCGroup
- Added hud popups
- Added QM message popups
- Added MM message popups
Added an all-new NamePlate API
Supports plates, tags, icons, ect
Added an IsEmpty() method to the QMCSelector
Reworked the Base64 system
Fixed a reference issue
Applying a QMC-Type Control to a collapsible button group will put the control at the above all other controls by default
Custom Main Menu Tabs highlight the profile tab upon clicking
Clicking on a tab won't highlight it (Working on fixing this rn)
- Cyconi
Good amount of bug fixes here and there (such as parent reference changes, ect), text placement and centering fixes and PLENTY of requests
- Hacker_1254
Creator of WorldAPI
- Psychotic
Requests here and there
- Voids
Several requests, suggestions and bug reports
- SlyFoox/Salad/HisHaven
Kept me sane (I love you)
Examples for how to use the new controls can be found in: