This is a keyboard shortcuts visualiser hosted on Github:
This project consists of two things:
- The web application under the gh-pages branch.
- Exporters in the master branch. These are scripts that create a .json file containing all application shortcuts in a specific format.
Directories in master:
/exporters Per application scripts that export a .json file containing all shortcuts
/shmaplib Python utility library (Shortcut Mapper Lib) to help exporting shortcuts to the webapp.
/tests Python tests to ensure nothing is broken
/gh-pages Git submodule into the *gh-pages* branch containing the web application.
Forking is probably a bit awkward at the moment because of the git submodule to the gh-pages branch. Just keep in mind that you'll need to change the git url of the submodule to your own fork (.gitmodules file).
cd Workspace/
git clone ShortcutMapper
cd ShortcutMapper/
git submodule init
git submodule update
The web application is located in the gh-pages branch, but it is accessible from the master branch as a submodule. The application uses ajax calls to load keyboards and application data. These ajax calls will fail using the file:// protocol, so you need to set your browser to allow this.
For chrome, use this:
Once that's done, just open the index.html in your browser.
The exporter scripts all use Python2.7 and some additional libraries. I recommend you use virtualenv like so:
# Install virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
# Create a virtual environment in venv directory
cd ShortcutMapper/
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv
# Activate environment
source venv/bin/activate
pip install BeautifulSoup4
# Do an export
python exporters/adobe-photoshop/scripts/ -a
Once your virtualenv in installed, all you need to do is activate it before you run the exporters
source venv/bin/activate
python exporters/adobe-photoshop/scripts/ -a