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Super32 - Designing our own Microprocessor

This repository contains the source code for a simple educational processor written in VHDL.

Software Tools (emulator, assembler, ...) for the Super32 processor are also available here.


  • RISC architecture
  • Word size: 32 bit
  • 32 registers
    • R0-R29: general purpose registers
    • R30: Constant 0 (can be written but without any effect)
    • R31: Constant 1 (can be written but without any effect)
  • Fixed width instructions (32 bit) using 3-operand design
    • Arithmetic: ADD, SUB
    • Logical: AND, OR, NOR, NAND
    • Shift: SHL, SAR, SLR
    • Load/store: LI, LW, SW
    • Branch: BEQ
  • 5-stage pipeline
    • FE: Fetch the instruction from memory
    • DE: Decode the instruction & read needed registers
    • EX: Do any necessary calculation
    • MEM: Read from / write to memory
    • WB: Write result to a register
  • Distinct instruction & data memory (ROM & RAM)

Instruction encoding

Arithmetic / logical

OP rd, r1, r2
rd = r1 OP r2

| 0x0 (31:26) | r1 (25:21) | r2 (20:16) | rd (15:11) | XXX | func (3:0) |
OP func Description
ADD 0000 Addition
SUB 0010 Subtraction
AND 0100 Bitwise AND
OR 0101 Bitwise OR
NAND 1011 Bitwise NAND
NOR 1010 Bitwise NOR
SHL 1100 Shift left
SLR 1110 Shift right (logical, fill with 0)
SAR 1111 Shift right (arithmetic, fill with MSB/sign bit)

Load / store

LI rd, imm(r1)
rd = r1 + imm

LW rd, off(r1)
rd = MEM(r1 + off)

SW rs, off(r1)
MEM(r1 + off) = rs

| opcode (31:26) | r1 (25:21) | rd/rs (20:16) | imm/off (15:0) |
OP opcode Description
LI 000011 Load immediate
LW 100011 Load word
SW 101011 Save word


BEQ r1, r2, off
Advance next instruction off instructions if r1 is equal to r2 (-1 is current instruction)

IF r1 == r2 THEN
  PC += 4 * off  # * 4 because 32-bit instructions
| 0x4 (31:26) | r1 (25:21) | r2 (20:16) | off (15:0) |
OP Description
BEQ Branch if equal

Starting & resetting

Initially the processor is in a compeletly undefined state. Therefore upon powering on the processor must be reset by raising the reset signal to a logical 1 state.

Processor reset

The processor can be reset at any time, during power-up or during execution, by raising the reset signal to a logical 1 state. This resets the processor to a predefined state:

  • Control unit is reset (internal control signals, stage buffers)
  • Pipeline is flushed (filled up with NOPs)
  • Program Counter PC is reset to 0x0
  • Everything else MUST be considered undefined following a reset

Pipeline conflicts

Pipeline conflicts are automatically recognized by the control unit and resolved by stalling (pushing & execution NOPs)

Software integration

Using the software tools (the emulator) it is possible to export the assembled code as a .vhdl file, which can be used to setup the memory of this VHDL implementation.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Write your program using the emulator
  2. Simulate/emulate the program to verify its functionality
  3. Export the assembled machine code as a .vhdl file
  4. Add the exported file to this project (src/ folder)
  5. Change the memory and rom entities in the ucontroller.vhdl (see below, insert the name you exported the code as):
  6. Compile and simulate the VHDL code, for example using the provided testbench.vhdl
memory: ENTITY work.memory_<NAME> PORT MAP (
rom: ENTITY work.rom_<NAME> PORT MAP (