A Flutter-based journal application developed as part of the SOC-24 project. This app enables users to efficiently record, organize, and manage their daily journal entries. With an intuitive interface and robust features, it is designed to simplify journaling while providing a seamless user experience.
- User-Friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive design for easy journaling.
- Entry Management: Create, edit, and delete journal entries effortlessly.
- Search Functionality: Quickly find entries using keywords or tags.
- Offline Support: Access and manage your journals without requiring an internet connection.
- Cross-Platform: Compatible with both Android and iOS.
- Framework: Flutter (Dart)
- State Management: Provider / Riverpod (or any used state management library)
- Database: SQLite / Hive (or any other database solution used in the project)
- Design: Material Design principles
- Install Flutter SDK on your system.
- Ensure you have an IDE like Android Studio or Visual Studio Code with the Flutter and Dart plugins installed.
- Set up an emulator or connect a physical device for testing.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/soc-24-flutter-app-journal.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd soc-24-flutter-app-journal
Install dependencies:
flutter pub get
Run the app:
flutter run
|-- models/ # Data models
|-- screens/ # UI screens
|-- widgets/ # Reusable widgets
|-- providers/ # State management files
|-- utils/ # Utility functions
|-- main.dart # Entry point of the application
- Flutter Documentation: Flutter.dev
For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
Happy Coding!