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Pretius Date Range Picker

The plugin is Oracle APEX item plugin providing new date picker supporting range of dates. The plugin is dedicated to work with Oracle APEX Universal Theme. Behaviour and appeareance of the plugin can be changed with various settings.

The plugin is implemented on top of the Dan Grossman's javascript plugin "Date Range Picker". Not all functionalities of the original plugin were implemented in Pretius Date Range Picker plugin.

Table of Contents


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Features at Glance

  • compatible with Oracle APEX 5.1, 18.x, 19.x
  • support for
    • single and double items to store start and end date
    • PL/SQL date format masks
    • dynamic dates using apex syntax ( +1d, +1w etc )
    • min/max date
    • limiting no. of days in range
    • single/double calendars
  • definable quick picks


  • Built-in validation on submit
  • Support for HTML template instead of APEX item(s)
  • Theme Roller integration
  • Support for RTL


Installation procedure

To successfully install/update the plugin follow those steps:

  1. Install the plugin file dynamic_action_plugin_pretius_apex_date_ranger.sql using Oracle APEX plugin import wizard
  2. Configure application level componenets of the plugin

Usage guide & Demo application

Single APEX item

  1. Create APEX item and set type to Pretius Date Range Picker [Plug-In]
  2. Configure the plugin behaviour and appearance with available attributes
  3. Save and run the page

Double APEX items

  1. Create two APEX items
    1. PX_DATE_FROM with type set to Pretius Date Range Picker [Plug-In]
    2. PX_DATE_TO with type set to Text field
  2. For PX_DATE_FROM set
    1. Mode to Two fields for dates or Two fields for dates - alternative
    2. Date to item to PX_DATE_TO
  3. Save and run the page

Demo application

Check different plugin configurations and use cases in our Live Demo

Free support

Pretius provides free support for the plugins at the GitHub platform. We monitor raised issues, prepare fixes, and answer your questions. However, please note that we deliver the plug-ins free of charge, and therefore we will not always be able to help you immediately.

Interested in better support?

Bug reporting and change requests

Have you found a bug or have an idea of additional features that the plugin could cover? Firstly, please check the Roadmap and Known issues sections. If your case is not on the lists, please open an issue on a GitHub page following these rules:

  • issue should contain login credentials to the application at where the problem is reproduced;
  • issue should include steps to reproduce the case in the demo application;
  • issue should contain description about its nature.

Implementation issues

If you encounter a problem during the plug-in implementation, please check out our demo application. We do our best to describe each possible use case precisely. If you can not find a solution or your problem is different, contact us: [email protected].

Become a contributor!

We consider our plugins as genuine open source products, and we encourage you to become a contributor. Help us improve plugins by fixing bugs and developing extra features. Comment one of the opened issues or register a new one, to let others know what you are working on. When you finish, create a new pull request. We will review your code and add the changes to the repository.

By contributing to this repository, you help to build a strong APEX community. We will prioritize any issues raised by you in this and any other plugins.

Comercial support

We are happy to share our experience for free, but we also realize that sometimes response time, quick implementation, SLA, and instant release for the latest version are crucial. That’s why if you need extended support for our plug-ins, please contact us at [email protected]. We offer:

  • enterprise-level assistance;
  • support in plug-ins implementation and utilization;
  • dedicated contact channel to our developers;
  • SLA at the level your organization require;
  • priority update to next APEX releases and features listed in the roadmap.



  • PL/SQL support for mm and yy format mask
  • PL/SQL support for \ as format separator


  • PL/SQL the plugin source has been extracted as external package
  • PL/SQL input attributes such as size, length etc are derivied by APEX_PLUGIN_UTIL.get_element_attributes function
  • PL/SQL When APEX item is in readonly state it is rendering value only
  • PL/SQL plugin rendering function has been changed to procedural API
  • Plugin The plugin is now compatibile with APEX 5.1, 18.x and 19.x
  • Plugin Support for Warn on Unsaved Changes has been added
  • Plugin input reacts to APEX item template options such as Size, Strech Form Item
  • Plugin input supports Floating template
  • Plugin Support for Warn on Unsaved Changes has been added
  • JS debugging messages has been added at 3 levels: DEBUG, LEVEL6 and LEVEL9


  • Calendar z-index is set to 700. Calendar's div is on higher layer than Interactive Report headers and APEX left sidebar position.
  • Hovering non-selectable calendar elements (week day names, week numbers) do not change cursor style.
  • Creating range of dates from session values is fixed.
  • Applying date value triggers Change event on APEX item.
  • When Show days of other months is not checked, the hidden dates are not clickable.
  • Plugin attributes Days names of the calendar are not shifted. Calendar renders day names in valid sequence in correlation to the real date. Translation string PRETIUS_DATERANGEPICKER_DAYS is changed from Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su to Su,Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa - Sunday must be the first day of the week in the trasnlation list.


Initial release

Known issues

  • Date format mask DY, Dy return invalid string for selected date

About Author

Author Github Twitter E-mail
Bartosz Ostrowski @bostrowski @bostrowsk1 [email protected]

About Pretius

Pretius Sp. z o.o. Sp. K.

Pretius is a software company specialized in Java-based and low-code applications, with a dedicated team of over 25 Oracle APEX developers. Members of our APEX team are technical experts, have excellent communication skills, and work directly with end-users / business owners of the software. Some of them are also well-known APEX community members, winners of APEX competitions, and speakers at international conferences. We are the authors of the project and some of the best APEX plug-ins available at the We are located in Poland, but working globally. If you need the APEX support, contact us right now.

Address Website E-mail
Żwirki i Wigury 16A, 02-092 Warsaw, Poland [email protected]