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PolyMarsDev committed Jan 19, 2021
1 parent 18783d4 commit f9453fa
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Showing 20 changed files with 300 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added data/fonts/font.otf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/gfx/bean.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/beanup_indicator.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/bg.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/button.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/death_overlay.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/flap_indicator.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/logo.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/null_indicator.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/player.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/retry_button.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/shadow.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/shop.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/shop_bg.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/gfx/speed_indicator.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added data/sfx/bean.wav
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/sfx/dead.wav
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/sfx/flap.wav
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/sfx/upgrade.wav
Binary file not shown.
300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
import pygame, sys, time, random, colorsys, math
from pygame.math import Vector2
from pygame.locals import *

class Player:
position = pygame.Vector2()
position.xy = 295, 100
velocity = pygame.Vector2()
velocity.xy = 3, 0
acceleration = 0.1
rightSprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/player.png')
leftSprite = pygame.transform.flip(rightSprite, True, False)
currentSprite = rightSprite

class Background:
def __init__(self):
self.sprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/bg.png')
self.position = 0
self.uncoloredSprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/bg.png')
def setSprite(self, tint):
copy = self.uncoloredSprite.copy()
color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(tint,1,1)
copy.fill((color[0]*255, color[1]*255, color[2]*255), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_ADD)
self.sprite = copy

class Button:
def __init__(self):
self.price = 3
self.level = 1
sprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/button.png')
typeIndicatorSprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/null_indicator.png')

class Bean:
def __init__(self):
self.sprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/bean.png')
self.position = pygame.Vector2()

def clamp(value, min, max):
if value < min:
return min
if value > max:
return max
return value

def checkCollisions(a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height, b_x, b_y, b_width, b_height):
return (a_x + a_width > b_x) and (a_x < b_x + b_width) and (a_y + a_height > b_y) and (a_y < b_y + b_height)

def main():

font = pygame.font.Font('data/fonts/font.otf', 100)
font_small = pygame.font.Font('data/fonts/font.otf', 32)
font_20 = pygame.font.Font('data/fonts/font.otf', 20)
shop = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/shop.png')
shop_bg = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/shop_bg.png')
retry_button = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/retry_button.png')
logo = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/logo.png')
title_bg = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/bg.png')
title_bg.fill((255, 30.599999999999998, 0.0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_ADD)
shadow = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/shadow.png')

flapfx = pygame.mixer.Sound("data/sfx/flap.wav")
upgradefx = pygame.mixer.Sound("data/sfx/upgrade.wav")
beanfx = pygame.mixer.Sound("data/sfx/bean.wav")
deadfx = pygame.mixer.Sound("data/sfx/dead.wav")


rotOffset = -5
player = Player()
beans = []
buttons = []
for i in range(3): buttons.append(Button())
buttons[0].typeIndicatorSprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/flap_indicator.png')
buttons[0].price = 5
buttons[1].typeIndicatorSprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/speed_indicator.png')
buttons[1].price = 5
buttons[2].typeIndicatorSprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/beanup_indicator.png')
buttons[2].price = 30

for i in range(5): beans.append(Bean())
for bean in beans:
bean.position.xy = random.randrange(0, DISPLAY.get_width() - bean.sprite.get_width()), beans.index(bean)*-200 - player.position.y
bg = [Background(), Background(), Background()]

beanCount = 0
startingHeight = player.position.y
height = 0
health = 100
flapForce = 3
beanMultiplier = 5
dead = False

framerate = 60
last_time = time.time()

splashScreenTimer = 0
#splash screen
while splashScreenTimer < 100:
dt = time.time() - last_time
dt *= 60
last_time = time.time()

splashScreenTimer += dt

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type==QUIT:

DISPLAY.fill((231, 205, 183))
startMessage = font_small.render("POLYMARS", True, (171, 145, 123))
DISPLAY.blit(startMessage, (DISPLAY.get_width()/2 - startMessage.get_width()/2, DISPLAY.get_height()/2 - startMessage.get_height()/2))


titleScreen = True
#title screen
while titleScreen:
dt = time.time() - last_time
dt *= 60
last_time = time.time()

mouseX,mouseY = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

clicked = False
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1:
clicked = True
if event.type==QUIT:
if (clicked and checkCollisions(mouseX, mouseY, 3, 3, DISPLAY.get_width()/2 - retry_button.get_width()/2, 288, retry_button.get_width(), retry_button.get_height())):
clicked = False
titleScreen = False

DISPLAY.blit(title_bg, (0,0))
DISPLAY.blit(shadow, (0,0))
DISPLAY.blit(logo, (DISPLAY.get_width()/2 - logo.get_width()/2, DISPLAY.get_height()/2 - logo.get_height()/2 + math.sin(time.time()*5)*5 - 25))
DISPLAY.blit(retry_button, (DISPLAY.get_width()/2 - retry_button.get_width()/2, 288))
startMessage = font_small.render("START", True, (0, 0, 0))
DISPLAY.blit(startMessage, (DISPLAY.get_width()/2 - startMessage.get_width()/2, 292))


while True:
dt = time.time() - last_time
dt *= 60
last_time = time.time()

mouseX,mouseY = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

jump = False
clicked = False
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type==pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key==K_SPACE:
jump = True
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1:
clicked = True
if clicked and mouseY < DISPLAY.get_height() - 90:
jump = True
if event.type==QUIT:

camOffset = -player.position.y + DISPLAY.get_height()/2 - player.currentSprite.get_size()[1]/2

for o in bg:
o.setSprite(((player.position.y/50) % 100) / 100)
DISPLAY.blit(o.sprite, (0, o.position))
color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(((player.position.y/50) % 100) / 100,0.5,0.5)
currentHeightMarker = font.render(str(height), True, (color[0]*255, color[1]*255, color[2]*255, 50 ))
DISPLAY.blit(currentHeightMarker, (DISPLAY.get_width()/2 - currentHeightMarker.get_width()/2, camOffset + round((player.position.y - startingHeight)/DISPLAY.get_height())*DISPLAY.get_height() + player.currentSprite.get_height() - 40))
for bean in beans:
DISPLAY.blit(bean.sprite, (bean.position.x, bean.position.y + camOffset))
DISPLAY.blit(pygame.transform.rotate(player.currentSprite, clamp(player.velocity.y, -10, 5)*rotOffset), (player.position.x,player.position.y + camOffset))
DISPLAY.blit(shop_bg, (0, 0))
DISPLAY.blit(shop, (0, 0))
for button in buttons:
DISPLAY.blit(button.sprite, (220 + (buttons.index(button)*125), 393))
priceDisplay = font_small.render(str(button.price), True, (0,0,0))
DISPLAY.blit(priceDisplay, (262 + (buttons.index(button)*125), 408))
levelDisplay = font_20.render('Lvl. ' + str(button.level), True, (200,200,200))
DISPLAY.blit(levelDisplay, (234 + (buttons.index(button)*125), 441))
DISPLAY.blit(button.typeIndicatorSprite, (202 + (buttons.index(button)*125), 377))
beanCountDisplay = font_small.render(str(beanCount).zfill(7), True, (0,0,0))
DISPLAY.blit(beanCountDisplay, (72, 394))
if dead:
DISPLAY.blit(retry_button, (4, 4))
deathMessage = font_small.render("RETRY", True, (0, 0, 0))
DISPLAY.blit(deathMessage, (24, 8))

height = round(-(player.position.y - startingHeight)/DISPLAY.get_height())

player.position.x += player.velocity.x*dt
if player.position.x + player.currentSprite.get_size()[0] > 640:
player.velocity.x = -abs(player.velocity.x)
player.currentSprite = player.leftSprite
rotOffset = 5
if player.position.x < 0:
player.velocity.x = abs(player.velocity.x)
player.currentSprite = player.rightSprite
rotOffset = -5
if jump and not dead:
player.velocity.y = -flapForce
player.position.y += player.velocity.y*dt
player.velocity.y = clamp(player.velocity.y + player.acceleration*dt, -99999999999, 50)

health -= 0.2*dt
if health <= 0 and not dead:
dead = True

for bean in beans:
if bean.position.y + camOffset + 90 > DISPLAY.get_height():
bean.position.y -= DISPLAY.get_height()*2
bean.position.x = random.randrange(0, DISPLAY.get_width() - bean.sprite.get_width())
if (checkCollisions(player.position.x, player.position.y, player.currentSprite.get_width(), player.currentSprite.get_height(), bean.position.x, bean.position.y, bean.sprite.get_width(), bean.sprite.get_height())):
dead = False
beanCount += 1
health = 100
bean.position.y -= DISPLAY.get_height() - random.randrange(0, 200)
bean.position.x = random.randrange(0, DISPLAY.get_width() - bean.sprite.get_width())

for button in buttons:
buttonX,buttonY = 220 + (buttons.index(button)*125), 393
if clicked and not dead and checkCollisions(mouseX, mouseY, 3, 3, buttonX, buttonY, button.sprite.get_width(), button.sprite.get_height()):
if (beanCount >= button.price):
button.level += 1
beanCount -= button.price
button.price = round(button.price*2.5)
if (buttons.index(button) == 0):
flapForce *= 1.5
if (buttons.index(button) == 1):
player.velocity.x *= 1.5
if (buttons.index(button) == 2):
oldBeanMultipler = beanMultiplier
beanMultiplier += 10
for i in range(beanMultiplier):
beans[-1].position.xy = random.randrange(0, DISPLAY.get_width() - bean.sprite.get_width()), player.position.y - DISPLAY.get_height() - random.randrange(0, 200)

if dead and clicked and checkCollisions(mouseX, mouseY, 3, 3, 4, 4, retry_button.get_width(), retry_button.get_height()):
health = 100
player.velocity.xy = 3, 0
player.position.xy = 295, 100
player.currentSprite = player.rightSprite
beanCount = 0
height = 0
flapForce = 3
beanMultiplier = 5
buttons = []
for i in range(3): buttons.append(Button())
buttons[0].typeIndicatorSprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/flap_indicator.png')
buttons[0].price = 5
buttons[1].typeIndicatorSprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/speed_indicator.png')
buttons[1].price = 5
buttons[2].typeIndicatorSprite = pygame.image.load('data/gfx/beanup_indicator.png')
buttons[2].price = 30
beans = []
for i in range(5): beans.append(Bean())
for bean in beans:
bean.position.xy = random.randrange(0, DISPLAY.get_width() - bean.sprite.get_width()), beans.index(bean)*-200 - player.position.y
dead = False

bg[0].position = camOffset + round(player.position.y/DISPLAY.get_height())*DISPLAY.get_height()
bg[1].position = bg[0].position + DISPLAY.get_height()
bg[2].position = bg[0].position - DISPLAY.get_height()


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