A Material Theme for Xcode inspired by vsc-material-theme.
Copy the *.xccolortheme
file into the following directory:
- Restart Xcode.
- Go to preferences and select the theme.
- Windows Terminal (by @julianlatest)
- Vim and NeoVim (by @kaicataldo)
- Vim (thanks to @hzchirs).
- Terminal OSX (thanks to @mvaneijgen).
- iTerm2 (by @Revod) and iTerm2 Palenight (by @jonathanspeek).
- Hyper.
- ConEmu (thanks to @rajadain).
- Slack App ( #263238,#2e3a40,#80CBC4,#FFFFFF,#13191C,#ffffff,#50fa7b,#FF5555 )
- Nylas N1 (thanks to @jackiehluo)
- Base16 (by @ntpeters)
- Bear Notes (by @r3volution11)
- Mattermost (by @k1r8r0wn)
- Material Theme to GitHub