Download docker toolbox at Docker Toolbox
Docker toolbox contains: Docker Compose, Docker Machine and Kitematic
$ wget -qO- | sh
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pip install docker-compose
You might need to launch the following commands with root privileges
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up db
Wait for the launch of the database
In a new tab or console:
$ docker exec -i -t db_mongo /bin/bash
$ ./set_mongodb_password
$ exit
Stop the container:
$ docker-compose stop db
$ docker-compose up web
Wait for the launch of django
In a new tab or console:
$ docker exec -i -t django /bin/bash
$ ./add_super_user
$ exit
Stop the container:
$ docker-compose stop web
$ docker-compose up -d
parameter launches the project in detach mode
$ docker-compose stop
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