Earth-Front is built by ReactStack and NodeJS.
- API proxy
- Server Sider Render (SSR)
- Component except common-ui (see this repo)
- State management by redux
- The authorization controller of frontend router
- react:
- node:
- ENV: development (feature and dev branch)
# step1 start webpack server for dev
npm run webpack
# step2 start app server for dev
npm run dev
# step3 open the browser
open http://localhost:3000
- ENV: sandbox (feature and dev branch)
# for devs to pre-deploy and debug locally
# step1 only need to run this command
npm run sandbox:debug
# step2 open the browser
open http://localhost:8890
- ENV: sandbox (release branch)
# step1 only need to run this command
npm run sandbox
- ENV: production (master branch)
# step1 only need to run this command
npm run prod