This is Realms of Ashjana 1.02, dated from 27/09/13. It won't be the initial 1.02 version source, I probably made some modifications to it so it sits somewhere between 1.02 and 1.03. This was before the XML externalisation system so all the game data is baked into the source code shudder. If you want to see the history of the game in its earliest (still kept around) version, there you go! Some of the source code in the current iteration is still present here, although with huge modifications. So if you're thinking MWHAHAAHAHA I HAVE THE SOURCE CODE FOR YOUR GAME SUCKER trust me... its bad. Really bad. I've since improved on the code much more and the logical systems in place are much better implemented.
Git it into a folder, and using Eclipse just import it. It has its own project files built in so it should be recognised. As for running it, main class is located in Gameplay/