A library for packing, unpacking and modifying the contents of gzip tarball files in the browser. Inspired by jszip it makes use of node streams converted for the browser using browserify. The original use case for the library was the modifying of npm packages within the browser.
Each GzipTarball represents a directory containing files and sub directories with the parent GzipTarball representing the parent directory in a directory tree.
class GzipTarball {
constructor(name: string);
constructor(headers: Headers);
addDirectory(path: string, directory?: GzipTarball): void;
addFile(path: string, content: string | Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array | Blob | TarballFile): Promise<void>;
getDirectory(path: string): GzipTarball | null;
getFile(path: string): TarballFile | null;
getDirectories(): GzipTarball[];
getFiles(): TarballFile[];
pack(): Promise<Blob>;
static create(data: File | Blob): Promise<GzipTarball>;
A static factory method create() is available to create the GzipTarball from a real tarball file. The tarball can be compressed with gzip or uncompressed.
const newGzipTarball = GzipTarball.create(anExistingTarball);
Alternatively the constructor can be used by passing in a string name representing the directory name.
const newGzipTarball = GzipTarball("directoryName");
const realTGZ = gzipTarball.pack();
saveAs(realTGZ, "youfile.tgz"); // Save file in browser
Directories can be created or added via:
Files can be added via:
gzipTarball.addFile('path', someFileContent);
Both the adding of a file and the adding of a directory support complex path additions; if part of input path does not exist it will be created.
gzipTarball.addFile('exsitingDirectory/uncreatedDirectory/', someFileContent);
// or
gzipTarball.addDirectory('exsitingDirectory/uncreatedDirectory/anotherUncreatedDirectory', anotherGzipTarball);
Reading of files and directories is aways relative to the current GzipTarball directory. It will only return files/directories at the level of the directory the GzipTarball represents and not anything within nested sub directories.
const files = gzipTarball.getFiles();
// or
const directories = gzipTarball.getDirectories();
To get a file without traversing the directories or to get a specific directory:
const file = gzipTarball.getFile('/folder/nestedFolder/aFile.txt');
// or
const directory = gzipTarball.getDirectory('/folder/nestedFolder/');
To read the contents of a file. First select the file then choose a format:
const file = gzipTarball.getFile('/folder/nestedFolder/aFile.txt');
const stringContent = file.toString();
The following content formats are available:
class TarballFile implements ITarballFile {
constructor(headers: Headers, content: Buffer);
toString(): string;
toBuffer(): Buffer;
toBlob(mimeType?: string): Blob;
toBuffer(): ArrayBuffer;
See index.html.
To build the library and types:
npm run build
Jest is the testing framework. Test files are kept in the same folder as the feature and use the convention of featureName.test.ts(x). To run the test:
npm test
To run the tests with coverage results:
npm run test:coverage