30 commits
to master
since this release
Changes in the 1.3.0b release -
- Selenium version upgrade from 3.141.59 to 4.1.0
- perfectomobile.version upgrade from to
- QAF and QAF support version upgrades from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0
- dom4j dependency group id updated to org.dom4j
- Added NettyClientFactory class
- UIDriverFactory changes for QAF changes
- UIDriverFactory Updated code to add proxy configuration in the ClientConfig
- Removed QAFExtendedWebDriver class overriding - Need to implement a solution to not quit the driver for the shared session.
- Updated the timeout code at all places for Selenium change of Duration class usage.
- Changed the code desiredCapabilities.getPlatform() to desiredCapabilities.getPlatformName().
- Removed AndroidScrollKeys method as the getKeyboard() method is removed from Android Driver.
Steps to upgrade your project -
- Change the Quantum version in properties: <quantum.version>1.3.0b</quantum.version>
- Can remove the slf4j-log4j12 dependency as it is no longer needed.
Note - There are limitations with this release:
- This release contains a selenium 4 upgrade, mobile web, and mobile application automation are not supported in this release. For the mobile web and mobile app automation, we will need to upgrade the Appium versions once Perfecto cloud is ready with Appium 2.
- This release is a beta release and not an official one, therefore, if you are testing mobile web/mobile app then it is recommended to wait for the official release.
- If you were using NTLM proxy configurations of Quantum in the previous release then in some cases you may require to override Selenium's NettyClient class and add the proxy code to it. (For more info on this please create a Perfecto Support case) We have added the ClientConfig Proxy in the driver but it seems to not work for some specific types of client networks and therefore there may be a need to override the selenium class.