- This app helps you deploy UMA LSP tokens using Superfluid's supertokens.
- Supported Networks: Mainnet, Kovan, Polygon, Mumbai.
- Selection of collateral tokens is supported only for Mainnet and Polygon.
- Distribution is not supported on Mainnet.
- Fill LSP parameters
- FIll FPL parameters
- Sign 2 transactions
Example parameters:
Mandatory LSP Parameters:
- Pair Name = UMA $4-12 Range Token Pair August 2021
- Expiration Timestamp = 5 Nov 2022
- Collateral Per Pair = 0.25
- Price Identifier = UMAUSD
- Long Synth Name = UMA $4-12 Range Token August 2021
- Long Synth Symbol = rtUMA-0821
- Short Synth Name = UMA $4-12 Range Short Token August 2021
- Short Synth Symbol = rtUMA-0821s
- Collateral Token = 0x489Bf230d4Ab5c2083556E394a28276C22c3B580 (UMA)
- FPL = RangeBond
Optional LSP Parameters:
- Proposer Reward = "" (Empty)
- Optimistic Oracle Liveness Time = "" (Empty)
- Optimistic Oracle Proposer Bond = "" (Empty)
- Enable Early Expiration = "" (empty)
Mandatory FPL Parameters:
- Lower Bound = 4
- Upper Bound = 12
Optional Ancillary Data Parameters
- Custom Ancillary Data = "" (Empty) / example params for KPI options
Gas Price:
- 1 for Kovan network
- Navigate to Distribute -> Mint LSP pair
- Select desired lsp contract and enter the amount of tokens to mint
- Sign 2 transactions (allow spending, mint)
Example parameters:
- Amount = 1
- Gas Price = 1
- Navigate to Distribute -> Mint Super LSP pair
- Select desired token and amount to upgrade
- Sign 3 transactions (create, allow spending, mint)
Example parameters:
- Token type = Long
- Amount = 3
- Gas Price = 1
- Navigate to Distribute -> Distribute -> Create a Constant Flow Agreement "CFA"
- Enter the super token, recipient and flow rate (tokens per second)
- Sign 1 transaction
Example parameters:
- Flow rate = 385802469135
- Navigate to Distribute -> Distribute -> Create a pool and distribute tokens
- Enter the super token, amount of tokens to distribute and recipients
- Sign 2+X transaction (Create pool, ? X give shares, distibute)
Example parameters:
- Amount = 1