Releases: Pedrokostam/WriteProgressPlus
Releases · Pedrokostam/WriteProgressPlus
- Streamlined the process of checking parameters that may not be defined in PowerShellStandard.Library.
- Less dynamic calls
- PowerShell version is only checked once (when importing the module through psm1, or on the first call)
- Changes to bar layout classes.
- Reorganized projects files.
What's Changed
- Psm based version recognition by @Pedrokostam in #21
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.2.1
What's Changed
- Add tests by @Pedrokostam in #7
- Increment aware time calculation by @Pedrokostam in #15
- Status clipping by @Pedrokostam in #16
- Better throttling check by @Pedrokostam in #17
- Version 1.2.0 by @Pedrokostam in #18
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.2.0
Improved throttling, fixed stuck bars for fast loops
What's Changed
- Short pipeline remaining time fix by @Pedrokostam in #6
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0
All initially planned features achieved
First fully featured release. Contains actual documentation, automatic reset of bar state (similar to Write-Progress), good ETA calculation.
What's Changed
- Autoreset by historyid ( 1.0.0 release ) by @Pedrokostam in #3
Full Changelog: 0.9.5...1.0.0
Fixed ETA, more aliases, better documentation.
- Fixed and improved ETA-calculating code.
- Added aliases for Display* parameters.
- Improved wildcard handling for properties
What's Changed
- String culture disambiguation by @Pedrokostam in #2
Full Changelog: 0.9.0...0.9.5
Better Help, fixed nesting, remove count
Full Changelog: 0.8.5...0.9.0
Full Changelog: beta...0.8.5